It was))) About two months later I went to the doctor, they removed the internal stitch, it should have dissolved, but the threads were mixed up! When the stitches were removed, one thread remained (not in the crotch, but on the side closer to the leg), the place where it used to be swollen, but now it doesn’t bother me at all. I had an esiotomy - they even cut my butt, put cosmetic (self-absorbing) sutures, and on top with 4 more silk threads.

I still get chills at the word sew up, and if I still had to remove the stitches, I wouldn’t even bother stitching myself up.

But when the thread was removed, everything immediately returned to normal.

The KS had some kind of thread sticking out of the seam (the seams were removed, which means it was not broken) - I pulled, it pulled out a little, then it was removed again, it was painful to pull too hard. Use something to hook it up, cut the thread itself and pull it out, it doesn’t hurt! But I went to the doctor, trembling like I don’t know who! But everything turned out fine, and there was no pain! Even though my thread had already grown into the skin... 2nd day, and in the evening I was already discharged) with stitches on the chair, they looked, such feelings - like I gave birth to a second one.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Do you know similar clinics in Eaterenburg?

Wait two weeks, if the thread still sticks out, then be sure to see a doctor.

Just a joke of course.

I am not a doctor. It’s just that my animals were operated on several times, and I removed the stitches myself. Sometimes it didn’t work right away - the thread is deep... Possessing all the elements for the early development of a child, it also has a piece of the wall bars, and, most importantly, a fully functional removable hanging horizontal bar! The U-shaped sports complex will take up a relatively small space in the children's room and will last for many years... A children's sports complex with a monkey bars will be an excellent birthday gift for any child.

Children's double U-shaped sports complex is a compact and multifunctional exercise machine designed…

If you have two or more children, purchasing a double U-shaped set is the best solution.

My puppy had silk coming out of his belly a year after the hernia was repaired. I won’t tell you how I went to gynecologists. As a result, after 1.5 months, the local gynecologist took pictures of me in the office, without anesthesia. As soon as the maternity home transmits the birth history to the antenatal clinic, the midwife immediately calls.

During surgical intervention, absorbable sutures are increasingly applied - so-called threads, which perform a fixing function: they hold damaged tissues and promote their healing.How long does it take to dissolve such threads , depends on several factors - the place of their application, the individual characteristics of the body, but the main one is the material used to make the base of the threads.

This is the name given to retaining threads that lose their fixing properties within up to 4 months. In surgical practice, the following types of self-absorbing sutures are most often used:

  • Catgut is an organic type of thread made from cow intestines. At the same time, it is the longest absorbable - catgut “lasts” up to 4 months;
  • Lavsan is a synthetic thread created on the basis of polyesters. They are used when long-term fixation is not required, since the material quickly loses its holding power;
  • Vicryl is another representative of synthetic sutures that are actively used in medicine, including cosmetics.

Besides those mentioned, there are many other types of materials used. Their choice depends on the type of intervention performed and the mobility of tissue in the area of ​​​​the operation, so only a doctor can individually select threads that will not subsequently leave scars, but will resolve in a short time.

The main factors contributing to the independent destruction of such threads in human tissues are:

  • Chemical reactions of the body based on the interaction of proteins;
  • Chemical reactions of the material with water contained in the human body.

They provoke the dissolution of postoperative threads, which are used to tighten surgical tissue incisions for a short time.

When to use absorbable sutures

This type of medical materials is used when suturing surgical wounds: such manipulations are carried out both on the surface of the skin, during cosmetic operations, and in deep layers of tissue, for example, during transplantation of internal organs.

The main function of such sutures is to maintain internal tissues in a stable condition until they grow together and begin to function without outside support.

It is advisable to use absorbable sutures in cases where the patient does not have the opportunity to return to the surgeon to remove the applied staples, clamps or sutures made of durable materials.

The most common use of absorbable sutures in gynecology is for suturing the perineum, tears in the vagina or cervix during natural childbirth. Studies have shown that during the postpartum period, the threads removed themselves within 2-4 months.

How long does it take for threads to dissolve after surgery?

To understand How many days does it take for threads to dissolve?, you should first ask your surgeon what material was used for suturing. The doctor will not only clarify the information you are interested in, but will also advise how long it will take for the stitches to completely dissolve. Only a specialist can competently assess this process, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

But in general, to navigate in that, how long does it take to dissolvethreads, you need the type of threads used during the operation:

  • Catgut begins to lose its fixing properties after a month, while the threads finally dissolve only at the end of the 4th month of wound healing;
  • Lavsan is often used in cosmetology, since the material begins to deteriorate already on the 10-12th day, but this process can take up to 1.5 months;
  • Vicryl has an average degree of resorption: the threads lose their strength after 2-3 months.

In this case, it is worth making allowances for proper care of the postoperative wound according to the scheme recommended by the supervising surgeon. If it is not handled correctly and the rules of personal hygiene are neglected, healing may be delayed and the process of suture resorption may worsen.

How to care for absorbable sutures

Having dealt with the question,How long does it take for threads to dissolve?, it is important to understand how to properly care for a suture after surgery so that healing proceeds safely, the threads are safely torn away as quickly as possible, and there are no scars left at the intervention site.

Please pay attention to the following most important rules for caring for postoperative sutures:

  1. The most important point is the sterility of all manipulations performed. Before treating a wound, be sure to wash your hands and thoroughly disinfect all instruments.
  2. Depending on the nature of the sutured wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic - brilliant green, Fukortsin, potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol. It is better to check with the supervising surgeon what exactly to use. You may have to combine medications and use them together with anti-inflammatory ointments.
  3. During water procedures, avoid friction; the wound can only be washed with warm water or a decoction of herbs.
  4. If we talk about postpartum sutures, then it is imperative to maintain intimate hygiene - this will prevent complications.

So, in order to find out how long it will take for the sutures to be successfully absorbed after surgery, you must first find out the material from which they are made. It is also worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body: if you have a tendency to long-healing wounds, then be prepared for the fact that complete resorption of postoperative threads can take up to six months, especially if organic materials were used during suturing of the wound.

Any surgical intervention brings a certain amount of stress to the human body. The doctor’s task in such a difficult period for the patient is not only to perform the operation competently and professionally, but also to prepare the patient for the recovery process.

Almost none can be done without sutures, which are a way to connect biological tissues and help reduce bleeding and bile leakage.

Types of seams

To understand how to remove stitches at home, you should know how they differ. Seams are divided into embedded and removable.

Removable sutures are removed after the edges of the wound have fused and are characterized by high strength. They are made on the basis of synthetic and natural materials (mersilene, silk, linen, nylon, nylon), metal staples and wire.

Immersed (non-removable) sutures are made from catgut - a natural material made from the small intestines of sheep and capable of dissolving after some time. The advantage is that they are not rejected by the body. Disadvantage: low strength.

Determining factors

How to remove at home? The moment of removal of postoperative sutures directly depends on a number of factors, namely:

  • the patient's well-being;
  • nature of the operation;
  • complications;
  • characteristics of the disease;
  • patient's age;
  • restorative features of the body.

The fixing material is foreign to the body. Therefore, to avoid the onset of the inflammatory process, sutures should be removed in a timely manner. How to remove sutures This is not recommended due to the possibility of infection, which puts the patient’s life at risk.

Timing for suture removal

How to remove stitches at home? What are the consequences of late or premature removal of sutures? When this manipulation is carried out later than the recommended period, the patient feels discomfort and tension at the suture site. Then tissue ingrowth and wound decay may occur, which will negatively affect the appearance of the scar. It is dangerous to remove stitches ahead of schedule: the edges of the wound may not have time to heal.

Time frame for suture removal:

  • after 12 days - with amputation;
  • after 6 days - during surgical operations on the head;
  • a week later - after a minor opening of the abdominal wall and 9-12 - during deep surgery;
  • 10-14 days - for surgery in the chest area;
  • 14 days - for surgical intervention performed on elderly people, weakened by diseases and infections, cancer patients (due to a decrease in the regenerative capabilities of the body);
  • 14-20 days - after birth;
  • 7-10 days - after cesarean section.

How to remove stitches at home

Sometimes it happens that for some reason there is no possibility of going to a medical institution. If the recommended healing period has passed, the wound looks prolonged, how can you remove stitches at home for a person who has never encountered this process before, is afraid and does not understand the sequence of actions?

In this case, it is important not to panic, to use all your composure and utmost care. First of all, you need to remove the bandage from the wound and make sure that it is not dangerous to remove the stitch.

If redness or signs of an inflammatory process are detected in this place, you should refuse to remove the sutures yourself and be sure to consult a doctor, since, most likely, the wound has become infected.

Preparatory process

At the preparatory stage, you should select the tools that will be used to remove the sutures. So how to properly remove stitches at home?

You will need sharp scissors (preferably nail scissors) and tweezers. It is highly not recommended to remove stitches with a knife. It would be ideal if, instead of homemade scissors, you have real surgical scissors on hand. The tools at hand should be sterilized: put them in a pan of boiling water for a couple of minutes, then take them out, put them on a clean towel and let them dry.

The area where the stitches will be removed should be washed with soapy water and wiped with a clean towel. Then wipe with cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution. The main process should be started by making sure that the skin around the stitches is clean. How to remove stitches after surgery at home?

Description of the process sequence

The process of removing sutures should be done in a well-lit place in order to clearly see the slightest nuances.

First, use tweezers to lift the first knot not very high. Then use scissors to cut off the base of the thread and begin to carefully pull it out, preventing outer pieces from getting into the fabric. This should be done until the last thread leaves the scar.

The knot should not be pulled through the skin: it will get stuck and cause bleeding. At the end of the procedure, which is relatively painless (except that there is slight discomfort and tingling during the process of pulling the thread), you should make sure that there are no fragments of sewing material left in the wound. To speed up the regeneration of the skin and prevent infection, the scar site should be treated with a weak composition of iodonate, and then apply a fixing bandage.

How to remove stitches from your head at home? It is extremely undesirable to do this yourself in hard-to-reach places, on the head, after a major operation, as this is fraught with a guaranteed infection. Do not wet or wash stitch cuts with soap. You should not try to remove surgical braces at home: doctors do this in a hospital setting with a special tool. If suddenly blood begins to ooze from the wound, you should stop the independent operation and urgently consult a doctor who will help you finish what you started.

The appearance of the wound and its healing depend on the accuracy of sutures and timely removal. Therefore, it is advisable to have the stitches removed by a medical professional.

You should treat the operated area very carefully, try not to touch it or injure it, because the strength of the skin in this area is minimal - 10% of the norm. It is strictly forbidden to expose an unhealed wound to sunlight, as this will cause darkening of the sore spot. To speed up the healing of the wound, you should use specialized ointments and creams prescribed by your doctor for about six months.

Undoubtedly, all people sooner or later encounter various diseases. Some of them necessarily require surgical intervention. Such treatment never goes away without leaving a trace. The manipulation always leaves a person with a postoperative suture. You need to know how to properly care for such a scar, and in what cases to seek help from a specialist.

Types of seams

Depending on the scale of the operation, the size of the suture may vary significantly. Some interventions, for example, after laparoscopy, leave a person with small centimeter incisions. Sometimes such seams do not require the use of special threads and are simply glued together with adhesive tape. In this case, you need to ask your doctor how to properly care for the damaged area and when to remove the patch.

Also, the postoperative suture can be of impressive size. In this case, the fabrics are sewn together in layers. First, the doctor combines the muscles, tissues of blood vessels, and only after that makes an external suture, with the help of which the skin is combined. Such scars take longer to heal and require careful care and special attention.

What you need to know about seams?

The postoperative suture always needs treatment. From the moment your doctor places the sutures on your skin, the medical staff will wash your sutured tissue daily. In some cases, treatment must be carried out several times a day. The doctor will definitely notify you about this after the procedure. If complications occur or germs enter the wound, it may be necessary to use additional antiseptic and antibacterial agents for treatment.

The suture is removed after surgery in about a week. If tissue healing is slow, this period can increase to two weeks or even one month. During this time, it is necessary to properly handle postoperative sutures. The healing of the wound is determined by the attending physician. It is he who sets the deadline when the threads can be removed.

In some cases, withdrawal is not required. Sometimes doctors use special self-absorbing threads. They are applied in most cases to soft tissues and mucous membranes. This method of tissue bonding is often used in gynecology and plastic surgery. Despite the fact that such threads are not removed, it is also necessary to process these postoperative sutures. Wound healing occurs when the tail of the protruding stitching material simply falls off.

How to care for sutures?

In some cases, the postoperative suture must be removed much later than the patient is discharged from the medical facility. In such a situation, a person needs to be told and shown how to care for sewn fabrics. After removing the threads, postoperative sutures should be processed for some time. So, how can you care for a wound yourself?

Necessary materials

First you need to purchase all the necessary materials. This can be done at any pharmacy chain located near your home. If you have difficulty walking, ask your relatives or neighbors to buy everything you need.

Treatment of a postoperative suture requires the presence of ordinary brilliant green, 3% hydrogen peroxide, an alcohol solution and hypertonic fluid. You will also need tweezers, post-operative patches of suitable sizes and cotton swabs.

In some cases, postoperative sutures are treated with cotton wool. When independently caring for damaged tissue, it is better to avoid using this material. When rubbing the skin, small pieces of cotton wool can cling to the applied threads and remain on the wound. As a result, inflammation may occur. That is why you should give preference to sterile bandages or special dressings.

Preparing the treated area

You need to open it first. Wash your hands with soap and disinfect them. Carefully remove the bandage and inspect the skin. There should be no liquid on the rumen. If ichor or pus oozes from the wound, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This means that there is an inflammatory process in the wound.

Treatment of the surface of the scar In the event that the surface of the tissue is completely dry, you can begin to process the seam yourself. To do this, take a comfortable position and prepare all the necessary materials.

To begin, roll up a small piece of sterile bandage and soak it in an alcohol solution. Gently wipe the scar with a damp cloth. Make sure that all wounds and holes on the body are moistened with liquid. After this, let the skin dry and proceed to the next step.

If pain, pulsation and burning occur in the suture area, you must do the following. Roll it into four layers and soak it in a hypertonic solution. Place the fabric over the seam and seal it with adhesive tape. This compress will help relieve pain and swelling in the wound area. If you are not bothered by unpleasant sensations, then skip this point and proceed further according to the instructions.

Take a cotton swab and soak it in brilliant green. Carefully treat all wounds that were caused by the suture, as well as the scar itself. After this, apply a sterile bandage to the cleaned area and cover with a bandage.

If the doctor allows it, you can leave the stitch open. Everything is faster in the air. Remember that in this case you must be careful not to damage the scar.

How to care for the seam after removing the threads?

If you have already had your stitches removed, this does not mean that you do not need to take care of your scar. Remember that after water procedures it is necessary to treat the injured surface. Ask your surgeon how long the scar treatment should take. On average, doctors recommend caring for the damaged surface for about one more week.

After taking a shower, pour hydrogen peroxide into the grout in a thin stream. Wait until the reaction occurs and the liquid hisses. After this, blot the seam with a sterile bandage and proceed to the next step.

Soak a cotton swab in brilliant green and treat the seam and existing postoperative wounds. Repeat this procedure after each bath.


Carefully monitor the condition of your postoperative sutures. You can see photos of properly healing scars in this article. Upon discharge, ask your doctor for detailed recommendations. Let your doctor tell you and show you how to properly care for damaged tissue. Remember that from the moment of discharge, your health is solely in your hands. That is why ask the medical staff about everything that interests you. This will help avoid various unpleasant consequences.

If you have any complications or questions, please contact your local doctor. In emergency situations, call an ambulance. Remember that tissues that are not yet fused may separate. That is why be careful, avoid unnecessary stress and get plenty of rest. Be healthy!

During the postoperative period, the most important task is to maintain cleanliness in the operated area. He is usually cared for in a medical facility. The wound should be treated with an antiseptic - alcohol, brilliant green, chlorhexidine, iodine, and washed (if necessary) with hydrogen peroxide. Then the wound is dried and, if necessary, an alcohol bandage is applied on top. If the wound healing period proceeds without complications, the sutures are removed on days 7-9. In case of a large wound, the sutures are removed after one, the rest - the next day. Catgut sutures (absorbable) fall off on their own after a while.

However, sometimes ordinary surgical threads, for whatever reason, remain in the wound after all possible periods of their removal. You can find many similar questions on the Internet on medical forums. People write that there is surgical thread left in the postoperative suture and what needs to be done. Yes, it happens that by mistake the threads are not removed within the prescribed period after surgery. Many people report that the seam at the location of the surgical thread has become inflamed, and a formation has formed in this place. In such cases, the most burning question that arises among patients is what to do about it, will it be worse than having to smear it, and is it possible to pull it out on your own? thread.

Of course, the ideal solution would be to contact a qualified specialist - at least to a local clinic. But if the wound is shallow and there are no problems during the healing process, the stitches can be removed yourself, the main thing is to know when this can be done. Before 4-6 days, sutures can be removed from skin wounds in places of good blood supply - neck, face; later 9-12 days - on the feet, legs.
Threads must be removed with special sterile instruments

If the presence of the thread longer than these periods does not cause inflammation, then there is nothing special to worry about - the thread will come out on its own. Sometimes the thread remains in the wound tissue for many years and does not bother you in any way. There are cases where the threads came out on their own after 18 years, after 26 years.

At the location of the thread, a tubercle is usually formed - a capsule of connective tissue, which is a common reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign body. At a certain time, this tubercle begins to itch and turn red, and after some time the remaining piece of thread comes out. That is, if the wound was clean, the thread will not grow anywhere or migrate. After a certain amount of time, the silk thread will itself be asked to come out (surgical thread is inert), all that remains is to pull the thread.. The thread will not go deep into the body from the skin and muscles in any case. Self-absorbing threads will dissolve on their own.

It’s another matter when suppuration and inflammation begin at the location of the thread. This means that at one time the stitches were placed without proper compliance with all the rules, the main of which was sterility. Some people start applying ointments to the sore area, which can reduce inflammation. Levomekol ointment is best suited for this purpose.