Banners account for 21% of the total Internet advertising market. In 2014, companies spent $66 billion on this type of promotion. In 2016, the network's total media budget is projected to be $74.4 billion. The average cost per marketing campaign and banner placement on the Internet is about $350 per week. Performance analysis shows that half of this money goes down the drain due to random clicks. Why is this happening? How to increase the effectiveness of banner advertising? You will receive answers to these questions in the article.

Whom to entrust the advertising budget

The international company Ve Interactive - a leader in the field of e-commerce - has developed a clear system for organizing banner advertising on the Internet, which allows you to increase website conversion by 25% or more. The team's assets include the implementation of successful projects for 10,000 clients from 49 countries of the world, dozens of victories in prestigious professional competitions, awards, honorary titles of the "Company of the Year" in various categories. Wikipedia has a page on Ve Interactive. The head office of the company is located in London. Representations are opened in 21 countries, including in Russia - in Moscow.

The placement management service, created by Ve Interactive, uses data about the customer's website and company, target audience analytics, and its own data processing platform in its work. The system guarantees successful promotion and fulfillment of KPIs. The CPM and CPA payment model helps optimize costs.

  • 1000 impressions of an advertising banner - the price is 100-120 rubles.
  • retargeting - the price is calculated from the confirmed CPL sale

When can a CPM payment model be beneficial?

We strive to reduce the cost of banner advertising by optimizing advertising campaigns. As you know, 1000 impressions do not equal 1000 views, which is why we use attribution model. With the help of pixel tag technology, the most effective banner management is ensured and media traders have the opportunity to reduce the cost of attracting a client with an advertising banner.

Everything you need to know about banner ads

Banners - static or animated graphic images with hyperlinks leading to the site being promoted, an effective resource promotion tool. Traditional places for placing banners on the Internet are sites that are suitable for the topic, social networks, search engines. Read more about placing banners.

rising star

Due to their location, lightboxes attract the attention of every user who comes to the publisher's page.

After 20 seconds, the lightbox closes automatically.

Image: Lightbox example.


New IAB Rising Star format. One of the most visible elements of advertising inventory.

When a user enters the site, he sees the 970x250 banner first. The user can click or close it at any time.

Image: An example of a billboard banner.

Floor Ad format

Located at the bottom of the page. Fills the page width 100% with interactive rich media content.

Whether the user scrolls the screen or resizes the window, the floor remains the point of contact between the brand and the audience.

When interacting with the user, the floor can expand in order to fully immerse the user in rich media: from videos to games and entire embedded websites.

Image: An example of a floor.

Stick (Hockeystick)

Two floating banners that are shown next to each other at the same time.

Image: example of a club.


Width: 1920 pixels. Height: 1200px. Supported formats: png, jpg, gif.

There is no doubt that three parts of the wallpaper are always visible to the user: right, left and top.

The middle section becomes visible as the user scrolls through the content.

Image: Wallpaper example.

half page

The half page floats on the blank space on the page.

Image: An example of a half page banner.


The pennant is located across the entire page, like a paper constriction.

The content of the page wraps around the pennant, thus placing it right in front of the user's eyes.

The pennant moves as you scroll the page, which guarantees visual accessibility.

The pennant can have dimensions of 770x250 or 970x250.

After 10 seconds, the pennant collapses into a 160x250 pixel format to ensure a long-lasting advertising effect.

If a collapsed pennant is clicked, it will expand to full size again.

What is a banner for?

Common types of advertising banners on the Internet: local "teaser" and "ears", float or rich-media, "stretch", top-line, side-line, screen glide, pop-up, pop-under, "explode". Image sizes - from 88x31 or 100x100 to 728x90 or 970x250 pixels.

Offline analogues of advertising banners - billboards, banners, pavement signs, city lights, signboards, prismatrons installed on the streets of megacities and country roads. Online media with a surface area 1-10 thousand times smaller than their offline large-format "colleagues" outperform the latter in terms of efficiency. The possibilities of the Internet allowed:

  • reduce the price of 1 contact with the audience by 20%;
  • increase targeting by 60%;
  • achieve the required audience coverage;
  • accelerate the launch of a marketing campaign.

Calculations and expert assessments have shown that banners are the most effective advertising on the Internet. Its use allows you to increase website traffic by 60-75%, sales - by 15-30%, brand awareness - by 95%.

Indicators of the effectiveness of placing banners on the site:
1. CTR - expressed as a percentage of the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions;
2. Different kinds of cost:

  • CPI - for 1 banner impression;
  • CPM - for 1000 impressions;
  • , CPV - for 1 click or 1 visitor;
  • CPT - for the period;
  • CPD - per day;
  • CPO - for a completed action (placed order, completed application form).
  • CPS - cost of sale;

3. CTB - ratio between visitors and buyers;
4. CTI - the popularity of the resource - the ratio between random and interested visitors who returned to the site.

7 benefits of banner advertising for a website

  1. network users on various grounds;
  2. flexible display settings;
  3. convenient budget management, the ability to customize banner ads and cost per click for the rational use of funds;
  4. quickly attracting the attention of site visitors;
  5. increasing product and brand awareness;
  6. prompt launch of a marketing campaign;
  7. instant response.

Banner Issues

Once you understand the problems with banners on websites, you can get creative with your placement and make your ads more effective.

The problem with online banner ads is that in order for someone to click on the banner, you have to interrupt it. By doing so, you create friction with the person who went to his goal. Usually on the Internet, users do the following:

  1. Communicate on a social network
  2. looking for something
  3. Enjoy watching videos

Most banner ads don't help visitors with any of the three things listed above. This is why the new age of internet marketers avoid disruptive marketing and focus on inbound marketing.

How to waste your advertising budget. Banner placement errors

  • incorrect definition of the target audience;
  • Poor marketing proposition, incorrect wording of customer benefits, lack of motivation to act, banal or tasteless design, too small or too large image size;
  • lack of precise goals, business KPI;
  • neglect of analytics;
  • mistakes in planning and setting up a campaign, for example, the wrong choice of pages and places for display, intersection with competitive images;
  • the effect of "banner blindness", which occurs in users who are focused on finding information, ignoring advertising. It can be overcome by using original visual techniques.

Creation and placement of banners on the Internet

To prepare an effective campaign to promote a product or brand, to correctly create and place an advertising banner on the site, you need to:

  • formulate the goals and objectives of the marketing event and key performance indicators;
  • analyze the audience;
  • formulate an offer for potential customers, develop an idea for advertising;
  • choose the type and size of the banner and create a design using special computer programs - Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash and others;
  • calculate the required characteristics of reach, display frequency, cost per click;
  • determine sites for placement - manually or using special banner services that automate the process;
  • set up advertising campaign settings;
  • periodically conduct analytics and timely adjustment of banner exposure modes.

An important parameter to consider when planning to install a banner on the site is the price. The price of an advertising banner depends on the popularity of the site, image size, period and frequency of impressions, targeting, and other aspects. Two popular methods of forming the cost of advertising are used:

  • for 1000 impressions;
  • for clicks.

To create an effective one, you need the work of a team consisting of: a marketer, a designer, a copywriter, a webmaster, a project manager. Independent placement of banners on sites leads to frequent mistakes. The solution of such a problem should be entrusted to specialists.

Banner example from Ve Interactive

How to make a banner ad?

Easily! You can create static or animated banners for example with BannerSnack and other similar banner systems. Or you can seek help from professionals.

How to buy banner placement on the Internet

There are two main ways to buy banner ads. You can deal directly with the site, or work with . Here is a brief description of each method:

Self-placement of advertising banners

Depending on your industry, you may find out about some niche sites that are very popular and have an advertising program. Contact the administrators of these sites and find out the price of placing an advertising banner on the site.

Another point to think about is how you can become an advertiser resident on these sites. The longer you advertise on these sites, the deeper relationships can be built with their loyal visitors. Therefore, you need to think about how to change your banners and banner frequency over time. If you can freshen up your banners every month and make their site visitors smile, then you will strengthen the loyalty of these visitors to your brand.

Advertising networks

For a more inclusive approach, you can join a banner network. These ad networks act as intermediaries between you and the sites that host your banners. This is convenient because you can have centralized access to all advertising banners. But you will not be able to agree but build a closer relationship with the site administrator and get the best rates.

Some of these ad networks are: Google Adwords, IAB, AOL Advertising, Right Media,, OpenX. Each of them has certain standards, so you need to make sure that your banners comply with the placement rules. One can take advantage of BannerSnack banners compatible with all these ad networks.

Articles about advertising banners

But placing a banner on the site is not always effective. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics, advantages and applications.

The history of banner ads

Banner advertising migrated to the Internet from real life. Bright banners on city streets are a basic element of classic marketing. The idea to transfer colorful posters to the web led to the fact that in 1994 the first banner appeared on the Internet with a link to the advertiser's website. It was presented as a small button that has little to do with modern banners. But with the development of Internet marketing, this type of advertisement has also improved.

The advantage of banners is that they are suitable for completely different areas of commercial activity. The chances of brand promotion and promotion are the same for both a construction company and an online store.

Initially, it was planned to use banners only to drive traffic to third-party sites. But enterprising marketers have noticed that banner advertising attracts the eyes of millions of users, which can be used for commercial firms. Therefore, the first specialized sites soon began to appear, selling places for advertising.

Types of banner ads

To place a banner ad, you need to clearly understand how it will look and what result it should bring. In modern Internet marketing manuals, there are several classifications of banners based on their key differences. According to the payment method, banner advertising is divided into:

  • Static. Its cost depends on the period of rent of advertising space on the site.
  • Dynamic. Payment consists of the number of clicks on the banner, as in contextual advertising.

To determine the payment method, you need to consider the location of the target audience. If the bulk of potential buyers are tied to a particular region, you can place static banner ads on city portals, forums, news blogs. If geographic parameters do not play a key role, as, for example, in online stores with delivery throughout Russia, then it is better to stop at pay per click.

According to the appearance of banners, they are divided into 4 groups:

  • Static - an image without animation. This is the most common type of banner used for advertising. They can be developed independently in any graphic designer. The main thing is to keep an eye on the size of the image, otherwise it can negatively affect the page loading speed.
  • Text ad blocks. They are placed in RTF format and merge with the main information when viewing the page. Because these ads are lightweight, they can be viewed by users who have a slow internet connection or have graphics turned off in their browser.
  • GIF banners are a type of image ad in which several frames change in a certain sequence. The number of frames determines how much the ad will seem "alive". But the more images you make, the larger the size of the banner will be. It is desirable that it does not exceed 100 Kb.
  • Flash, Java - animated ad built on vector graphics. Such banners can be created in Adobe Flash or in a special designer, and unlike GIFs, the dynamics of the animation does not affect the size of the banner. In addition, it can be accompanied by sound effects, which allows you to connect the user's auditory perception to the ad. This type of banners is the most perfect and, accordingly, the most expensive.

Regardless of the appearance of a banner ad, its weight plays an important role. The larger it is, the longer the site page loads. Therefore, banners with a large weight can initially be called ineffective.

The sizes of banners on the site pages can be varied: 800x100 (stretching at the top of the page), 728x90 (leading stand), 250x250 (pop-up square) and others. The banner size is specified in pixels. The first value indicates the width, the second value indicates the height. On sites where you can place a banner for free, there is a limit on its size. This should be taken into account when designing banner ads.

Advantages and disadvantages of banner advertising

The popularity of banners is due to the fact that their advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, which include the need for high-quality design development and the search for a suitable platform for placement. If the development of the appearance of a banner can be entrusted to specialists, then choosing a site is not so simple. Even high traffic rates cannot guarantee that a banner will achieve a good CTR.

The benefits also include:

  • Large audience coverage. The more site traffic, the higher the probability that the banner will be of interest to more users. But this will work only if the advertiser chooses the right theme for the site and the place to place the banner on the page.
  • Positive impact on brand awareness. Display advertising no longer attracts with text, but with a bright flashy image. Therefore, the picture placed on the banner will unconsciously remain in the user's memory, which will increase brand awareness.
  • Orientation to the target audience. To attract only those users who are interested in an advertising offer, you can use image ad targeting, as in the Yandex and Google contextual advertising settings. This allows you to set the necessary settings based on the portrait of a potential buyer, which will bring only high-quality traffic to the site.
  • Instant results. Banner advertising is able to bring users in the first hours after launch. The result depends only on the correct design, placement and configuration of the ad.
  • Easy control. You can make changes and monitor statistics at any time online.

Banner Tasks

Banners, as a marketing tool, can be called multitasking. Therefore, by including them in the arsenal of an advertising campaign, several goals are achieved at once. In total, there are 5 tasks that banner ads cope with:

  • to attract attention;
  • creating a pleasant impression;
  • the ability to arouse interest;
  • motivation to go to an external site;
  • directing the user to perform a specific action (buy a product, sign up for a seminar, etc.).

banner exchange

Banner exchange is relevant if the advertiser is the owner of a full-fledged high-quality site. The essence of this tool is that two or more site owners place banners on their sites by mutual agreement. To simplify the procedure, entire banner exchange networks are created that allow you to quickly reach users interested in cooperation.

The standard features of banner exchange networks include:

  • Accumulation of the number of impressions. When a banner of a third-party company participating in the banner exchange program is published on the site, a special counter of the system fixes the exact number of impressions that it will remain due.
  • Selling impressions. With sufficient accumulation of impressions, they can be used to publish your own ads and for sale. However, not all networks provide such an opportunity, because in this way site owners deprive administrators of banner exchange networks of their main income.
  • Control over statistics. Statistics allow you to control the effectiveness of participation in the program.

When choosing a banner exchange network, you need to pay attention to its direction. There are services both universal and thematic. To attract the target audience, it is better to choose highly specialized networks. In addition, this will save the owners of reputable companies who value their reputation from the appearance of incorrect advertising on their site.

Banner ad cost

The cost of a banner has no clear boundaries, since it is influenced by many factors. But in order to roughly plan the budget, you should consider:

  • Placement method. With a personal agreement, you can order a banner at a lower cost than the exchange can offer. Also, do not exclude the possibility of free banner placement on the network.
  • Territorial targeting. Impressions for residents of the capital will cost the advertiser more than for residents of sparsely populated regions of the country. This is due to the fact that residents of Moscow and the region are recognized as the most solvent buyers.
  • Subject. Niches in which there is a high level of competition are more expensive in terms of promotion.

In order for banners to bring greater effectiveness, placement must be long-term. A short-term advertising campaign can only bring in a small amount of traffic, as banner ads range from 2-30%. For this type of advertising, regular impressions are an inexpensive pleasure. The average budget for one banner is about 3,000 rubles per month.

What is banner blindness?

Banner blindness is the conscious or unconscious ignoring of a banner ad. It is characterized by a low click-through rate, which, in fact, reflects the effectiveness of the ad. Click through rate (CTR) is calculated as the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions per day, week, month.

The causes of banner blindness are still being researched, but the main one is that users have learned to ignore intrusive advertising. When a person enters the site, he is looking for only the necessary information without the intention of buying anything. Therefore, from advertising, users shift their gaze to navigation, headings and lists of articles.

To reduce the effect of banner blindness, you need to:

  • Place the banner outside the blind spots. A blind spot is a typical banner placement on a website page. An example is the stretch at the top of the page.
  • Test multiple banners with different color schemes. Human emotions depend on color perception. Therefore, you should analyze several color schemes and choose the most successful one.
  • Choose sites that are not oversaturated with advertising. An overabundance of banners and pop-ups irritate users, which makes them leave the pages of the site.

Tired of the constant intrusive advertising, users are more loyal to text banners. They organically fit into the content of the page and coincide with the subject of the published material. Therefore, as an experiment, it is worth temporarily abandoning graphic and animated banners.

Banner advertising occupies a leading position in the ranking of existing promotion methods. It copes with many tasks, but only when used correctly. If the banner matches the needs and preferences of the user, it will look attractive to him. Therefore, the interests of the person are always put in the first place.

A banner is an advertising graphic image. It can include text, static images or contain animation (up to the use of video and any interactive objects). Often, the banner links to a page with some information or to the advertiser's website.

There is an opinion that the first banner appeared in 1994. It was a regular picture that included a link to the advertised site. At first, this method was used to advertise one site on the pages of another. Then it became clear that you can earn money by placing banner ads of any goods or services on your site, which caused an increase in the popularity of this type of advertising. Until now, specialized sites are being created that are aimed at making a profit from placing banner ads.

Today, banner (display) advertising is one of the most popular and effective ways of advertising on the Internet. Like no other, it affects the minds of the audience. By placing a banner on reputable resources, you thereby contribute to the development of a stable positive association of the advertised products with the company, increasing the growth of brand recognition and popularity.

  1. Attracting targeted visitors to the site.
  2. Develop a positive attitude towards the brand/product.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Wide audience reach
  • Impact on the target audience
  • Visual appeal and memorability
  • Works for your brand image
  • interactivity


  • Low click-through rate
  • Large dependence of the number of clicks on the banner on the quality of performance
  • Difficulty in Predicting Transitions
  • Additional costs for banner production
  • High cost per click
  1. Targeted (aimed at the target audience)
  2. Informational (carry a message about any upcoming events, promotions, special offers)
  3. Internal (placed inside the site)
  4. Image (to form consumer preferences for the advertised company/product)
  1. JPEG - still images
  2. GIFs, Flash animation - animated images
  3. Richtext - text and textographic blocks
  4. JavaScript and Flash animation - interactive with user interaction elements

Most Popular banner sizes:

  1. Stretch marks
  2. 240x400 pixels
  3. 468x60 pixels

One of the main characteristics of a banner is its size in bytes, which determines the speed of its loading in browsers on the user's computer, so the smaller the size of the banner, the higher the probability that the user will have time to see it before moving to another page.

It should be noted that with the development of technology and the growing popularity of high-speed network access, the problem with banner sizes has faded into the background, and video banners have become completely commonplace for a modern user, although back in 2000 for users it seemed like a senseless waste of traffic.

Contextual display banner

A contextual display banner is a display of an animated advertising module on a website. Contextual banner ads are displayed when a certain key phrase is displayed in the search bar, which is identical to the banner request.

Unlike the usual one, a contextual display banner is displayed only to users who are interested in a particular product/service.

Key tasks of a contextual display banner

  • Increasing brand awareness.
  • Sale of complex and expensive goods and services.
  • Promotions and sales (both B2B and B2C).
  • New services and goods (novelties).
  • Achieving a sustainable association of topics with the promoted brand.

It is difficult to name a strictly fixed figure of how much banner advertising costs. the price depends on the list of sites where it will be placed. The main indicators in the formation of the cost of banner advertising on a particular site are attendance, popularity of the resource, as well as the location of your banner.

Creativity in creating banners can be defined as an unusual approach to development. For example:

  • custom image design
  • unusual arrangements of objects and color combinations
  • video inserts and audio accompaniment
  • use of interactive
  • memorable plot
  • dynamism in animation, when the entire video is viewed in one breath
  • formulate a clear goal of advertising
  • draw up a detailed media plan (determine the budget for an advertising campaign and select advertising platforms where your target audience is present)
  • create a quality banner
  • place and track banner impressions on selected advertising sites
  • analyze the results of the advertising campaign, adjust if necessary

Working in the field of promotion for more than five years, Artox Media Digital Group specialists have gained a sufficient amount of experience in the development and implementation of banner advertising campaigns. Our specialists know how to make sure that the advertising banner is seen by as many targeted visitors as possible.

In this section, you will learn what banner advertising is, what features it has, and how an advertising banner works on the site. You will also be offered articles that will help you solve the issue related to this type of advertising on the Internet.

What is banner advertising on the Internet?

The web banner is much better than the standard one you see on the street. Firstly, such advertising on the Internet will cost much less than offline.

Secondly, you can launch an advertising campaign much faster online. This is mainly due to the fact that you do not need to hire a team of workers and look for a platform to place your advertisement.

On the web, everything is much simpler, cheaper and done in almost a couple of clicks. Because of this, this type is still well used on the network.

Advertising banner formats

Let's look at banner formats:

  • Graphic banners— simple images in png, jpg, gif or jpeg format can be used in such advertising. This banner format, although simple, can heavily load the site. This is especially true for gif-images of rather large sizes. Therefore, if you use graphic advertising, then try to make it small. In this way, you will not heavily load the site. Try to make the file size no more than 100 Kb. If you use the gif format, then make the duration of the animation no more than 30 seconds. Also pay attention to the speed of animation playback. It should not exceed 5 seconds.
  • Interactive banner- this is the most effective type of advertising, but also expensive compared to other formats. Vector graphics look much better here. Yes, and it weighs much less. Usually cgi, JavaScript or Flash technology is used here. The most important thing is not to overdo it with graphics and sound. If you overdo it, then such interactive advertising will look very poor and even irritate visitors a little. The frequency in such banner advertising on the site should be no more than 24 frames per second.
  • Text ad units— Richtext (formatted documents storage format). Unlike graphics, text ads load much faster. Such an ad will be shown even if the user has disabled the display of graphics in his browser. Creating a text banner is much easier than creating a graphic one. There is no need to spend a lot of time drawing graphics. It is enough to simply and briefly formulate the idea of ​​your advertising message. Another good plus is that text ad units do not cause banner blindness and blend well with the general information of the site itself.

Ad block sizes

Banners vary in size. I will say that they are all indicated in (px). For example, 480×60 px. First, the width is specified, and only then comes the height. Naturally, the larger the size of a web banner, the greater its weight and loading time. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that large ad units will take longer to load.

If you want to include large banner ads on the site, I recommend using it in the interactive ad format. Unlike the graphic format, it will weigh much less. Accordingly, such an ad will load faster and you can quite well increase the effectiveness of your advertising on the Internet. The faster it loads, the more likely it is that such ads will be seen.

What types of banners are there?

Let's now look at what types of banners are used on the Internet:

  • Internal banner- this is an ad that leads to an internal page of the same site where the ad itself is installed. That is, usually when you click on an ad, you get to a completely different site. But in this case, it's the other way around. You only get to another page within the same site. Hence the corresponding name Interior". Typically, this type of banner is used to advertise any services or products on their own site. It is often used when alerting about various news of a project or company. For example, many bloggers use an internal banner when running contests on their blog. In this way, they can attract more participants for their event.
  • Brand banner- already by the name you can guess that such advertising works primarily to promote the brand. This type of banner on the Internet works more not for clicks, but for impressions. It doesn’t matter to the advertiser whether the person clicked on the ad or not. The main thing here is that the user sees an advertisement with the company's corporate logo. The more often such a brand is encountered by the user, the better he will remember it. As a result, if in the future a person wants to buy a certain product, he will first turn to this company, since he will already be familiar with it.
  • information banner is an advertisement that gives the user information about a particular product or service. Here the main task is to arouse great interest in the advertised product or service. That is, we need to lure a person to this proposal.
  • Target banner- works to attract the target audience. Target audience is very important for advertisers, since it is this category of people that is most interested in ordering a product or service. Typically, this type of banner is used to advertise the entire site, and not a specific product. For example, an entire children's clothing store is advertised, rather than a specific small size jacket.

Main ad placements

Very often there is a question like how to choose a place to place an advertising banner on the site. This is one of the important factors in creating effective banner ads. A place in the header of the site will cost much more. But this placement is the most effective in terms of advertising. It is located at the very top and in a conspicuous place.

A visitor, entering such a site, immediately pays attention to advertising in the header of the site. A person does not need to use the scroll to see the ad, as it immediately catches their eye. Typically, a banner size of 468×60 is used in the site header. You can also use a banner with the desired height.

A place in the menu of the site will cost a little less. It can be on the left, right, or both sides. There are also other places to place banner ads on the site. However, it all depends on the scrollbar. This means that the topmost places without scrolling will be expensive. And those places that are at the very bottom of the site will be very cheap. If the most expensive place is in the header of the site, then the cheapest one is in the basement.

However, you should first take into account no matter how effective the advertising space is, if the site (website) for advertising is chosen poorly, then there will be corresponding results. Therefore, take the search for the right sites seriously. Also always pay attention to the subject of the project. There are both narrowly thematic sites and projects with more extensive topics. On projects with broad topics, use targeting. That is, you need to place banner ads on certain categories, and not on all sections of the site. So you can significantly save your budget and at the same time increase the effectiveness of advertising.

Internet platforms for placing ads

Below I will provide information that will help you select a platform for banner advertising. Here I will highlight three types of sites:

  1. Highly specialized sites- by the name you can guess that these are projects that are dedicated to a specific topic. For example, if the subject of medicine is a broad topic. That acne removal will have a narrow direction. Here articles are devoted to a specific disease. As a rule, traffic on such niche sites is not so high. This is due to a small semantic core. But then the audience of such a project will be the most targeted. If you advertise on such narrowly focused sites, then the effectiveness of the advertising campaign will be quite good. This is due to the fact that the audience of the site will be most interested in the advertisement itself.
  2. Thematic sites These are projects aimed at a specific industry. For example, a site dedicated to medicine. Unlike highly specialized sites, these projects can describe the treatment of various diseases. Attendance of such resources will be higher, but at the same time, the target audience will be a little blurry.
  3. general thematic- these are less targeted projects for advertising, as they are aimed at different industries. But traffic on these sites will be very high. As a rule, these are large portals.

So, to choose a platform for placing banner ads, you need to decide on your target audience. The more interested the audience is in your offer, the cheaper it will be to attract it. Therefore, to increase sales, narrowly focused sites will be the most effective. Not only does our target audience live here, but also advertising on such sites will be much cheaper.

If you use advertising to promote your brand, then it is better to choose sites with very high traffic. Here, although advertising will be more expensive, it will be able to promote your brand very well. Also pay attention to the statistics of the site (traffic sources, keywords, etc.).

So, now the question about what is a banner should not arise in your head. This type of advertising on the Internet is quite well used. After all, with the right approach, banners will be able to attract a lot of attention and thus show the user's interest in a particular product or service. Also banner works well for brand promotion. Basically, this approach is used by large companies that invest a lot of money in their advertising campaigns. They need to build brand awareness and form good relationships.

Below you can find articles that can give you tips on how to work with banner advertising on the Internet.

Say thanks using the buttons below:

Banner advertising on the Internet is all advertising using a text-graphic ad format. It is placed both in contextual media networks and with the help of rtb technologies, direct purchases of banner advertising are still popular on the Internet.

  • Attracts new traffic
  • Returns an existing
  • Increases brand awareness
  • Brings a new product or service to market
  • Stimulates demand or serves the current one
  • Builds relationships with the user

As we have already said, in accordance with the task, you can buy:

  • Banner advertising in the Google Display Network, Yandex. - Serves existing demand.
  • Targeted advertising on social networks. - Posted on social networks.
  • Banner advertising by direct agreement with the sites. - Used for narrow targeting.
  • Banner advertising through rtb exchange. - Used for large purchases.
  • Post-Click - tracks generated leads through clicks.
  • - allows you to link the sale on the Internet with the display of the banner, without clicking on it.

Attitudes towards website banner advertising are different - someone believes that the times when it attracted the attention of users have gone into oblivion and on the mobile Internet it only causes irritation, there is no point in investing in it, because it is effective only when brand recognition is required

Others spend the lion's share of their marketing budget on banner advertising on the Internet and are happy when they look at CTR statistics. Another part of her supporters is sure that it is she who draws the attention of the Internet audience to the advertised product, and you can pay in any convenient way - for the number of impressions or for clicks to the desired site.

The effectiveness of banner advertising

The maximum effectiveness of banner advertising can be achieved only with an integrated approach, and certainly it should not be the only method of promotion. Now marketers even combine several banner advertising tools in advertising campaigns, which makes it somewhat difficult to track the effectiveness of each source.

Ve Interactive has developed a useful service for marketers that allows you to launch banner ads, conveniently track their performance without conversions across multiple channels using the Post-View model. VePlatform includes services that take care of your traffic, retain visitors, reduce bounce rates and increase sales. VePlatform is extremely easy to install and integrated with the main . You choose the set of services yourself, and for each of the services you can see an accurate forecast for increasing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and performance in terms of revenue, conversions, and the most frequently added items to the cart.

Trends in banner advertising

Banner Internet advertising celebrates its birthday on October 27th. It was on this autumn day in 1994 that users of the World Wide Web saw the first banner. For the majority, even then it acted irritatingly, but at the same time it intrigued, attracted attention, which was successfully used by advertising agencies that took up the promotion of new brands that appeared on the trading arena.

An example of the first banner on the Internet.

One of the trends that catches the eye is that banners are increasing in size, the creators are adding interactive elements, maybe with the use of sound.

An example of banner blindness

In order to achieve a good CTR (and it starts from 0.2%), multimedia advertising must be effective. Many seek to draw attention to their site by placing banners on any more or less suitable site. As a result, this advertising format began to become boring, some users are extremely negative towards it. This phenomenon has its own term -.

Who does it not work for? As a rule, good click-through rate on banners is shown by people who are just starting to master the Internet space, they are interested in everything. If the banners are stylishly designed, and even with some obvious zest, it is safe to say that they will be of interest to middle-class people burdened with higher education. Non-standard and even some aggressiveness is fertile ground for attracting the attention of young people.

AdSpot is a small banner that you have probably seen many times on various sites with not too good karma. It is located in the lower corner of the site - it is especially loved by hackers who distribute various virus programs disguised as system messages and instant messengers.

CatFish - a banner that clings to the entire width of the page that opens in the browser. Gives good CTR.

Classic banners of various sizes, made in JPEG, GIF, PNG, SWF.

The effectiveness of any banner is its CTR, the number of actions taken by users per 1000 impressions. Therefore, it may seem that the formula for success is very simple, since the effectiveness of an ongoing advertising campaign is measured by the click-through rate. The conclusion, it would seem, suggests itself as follows: large format + shock animation + a huge “click here” button - and here it is, the desired happiness is very close. But is it? It must be understood that the advertiser does not benefit from an uninterested audience. There are clicks, but no purchases. This is a useless waste of money.

A high CTR is far from a guarantee of the effectiveness of the campaign if the clicks on banners are made by a “cold”, uninterested audience. It is important to get exactly the target buyers who are interested in buying the promoted product or service. If the user reacts to a frank lure and still clicks on the banner, he will definitely see that behind the intrigue is not at all what he expected to see, disappointment is inevitable and he is unlikely to be delighted with the deception. But in fact, from this transition, he practically loses nothing. But the advertiser has something to lose - money and reputation. Therefore, you should not use black methods, even if their CTR gives a high click-through rate, as a result, you will lose much more than you will win.

Banner ad cost

Prices on the Internet for banner advertising are quite affordable. What are they made up of? Of course, competition is taken into account. The more ads on your subject, the higher the cost for its placement. Regional targeting is also taken into account, it is clear that the Moscow audience is more solvent than the inhabitants of the Ryazan hinterland.