Tourism industry – an intersectoral complex of organizations producing goods and services for tourism.

Also, the tourism industry can be defined as an economic system consisting of a complex of industries and divisions, the functions of which are to satisfy the diverse and increasingly complex demand for various types of recreation and entertainment.

The tourism industry is characterized by the following specific properties: resource orientation, seasonal and cyclical nature of production, and the need for significant investments in tourism infrastructure.

The tourism industry includes the production and sale of goods and services from various sectors of the national economy, which in this case act as tourism industries. The complexity and diversity of market relations in the tourism industry determines the mutual development of both the tourism industries and other sectors of social production.

There are two structures within the tourism industry:

1. Organizations providing facilities (funds) for accommodation and temporary accommodation, organized meals and transport services.

2. Organizations engaged in tourism activities, excursion services, and services for foreign tourists.

The objective need to form a complex of tourist services in order to most fully satisfy the needs of tourists has given rise to a special role of tour organizers in the tourism market in the tourism economy - tour operators and travel agents .

Tour operator activities– this is an activity to create a tourism product, including various services to promote this product to the market and its sale. Tour operator companies develop and sell tourism products mainly on a wholesale basis.

Travel agency activities- This is a continuation of the activities of a tour operator, but in the retail market. On behalf of the tour operator, the travel agent completes a market transaction for the purchase and sale of a tourist product. Travel agent firms act as sellers of the tourism product generated by tour operators.

The main areas of specialization of tour operator activities are the following:

1. Specialization in receiving and servicing foreign tourists. Travel agencies engaged in this activity are called reception tour operators

It is good to know the tourist resources available in the country and be able to use them, have information about the features of tourist travel in your country;

Possess information about the material and technical base of tourism in your country, have close business contacts with tourism service enterprises and the ability to use them to serve foreign tourists;

Have the right (reference) for visa support for foreign tourists purchasing tours to travel to the country represented by the travel agency;

Have access to channels for promoting and selling your tourism product in foreign tourism markets.

2. Specialization in organizing tourist trips for citizens of their country abroad. Travel agencies that do this are called tour operators in the direction. To perform their functions they must:

Have a good position in the outbound tourism market in your country, the ability to promote and sell tourist travel abroad to your fellow citizens;

Have close business relationships with international carriers (air and road transport, railway and water transport) to ensure the passage of their tourists on international flights;

Have reliable partnerships with foreign tour operators for reception, capable of providing visa support and quality service for received foreign tourists;

Possess the necessary information about the conditions of tourist travel to different countries.

In practice, each tourism company chooses for itself one or more of the most accessible and profitable segments of market demand, for which it forms its tourism product, sets prices, and uses appropriate promotion and sales channels. Thus, specialization of tourism firms arises.

In addition to tour operators and travel agents, the tourism industry includes :

Firms producing tourism services (hospitals, sanatoriums, health resorts, recreation centers, business consultations, etc.);

Specialized companies providing accommodation services (boarding houses, holiday homes, motels, hotels, etc.);

Specialized catering establishments (restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, etc.);

Specialized transport enterprises (aviation enterprises, automobile enterprises, railway departments, sea and river transport enterprises, etc.);

Trade enterprises and trading companies specializing in goods for tourists;

Leisure tourism enterprises (cinema and concert halls, slot machine halls, etc.);

State enterprises (national, regional, municipal enterprises of a unitary or joint-stock nature, engaged in tourism on a commercial or social basis).

The following classification of enterprises producing products and services for tourists can be given:

Primary - intended directly for serving tourists (sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers, etc.);

Secondary - designed to serve primarily tourists, although their services can also be used by local residents (catering establishments, cultural institutions, etc.);

Tertiary – as a rule, they are intended to serve local residents, but tourists can also use their services to meet their needs (public transport, post office, etc.).

A feature of the tourism industry is the technical and economic specificity of its constituent tourism industries, which excludes the possibility of combining all or most of its material and technical base within one industry, therefore the tourism industry can be considered as a market for services and goods of tourism industries.

Tourism industry– a branch of social production, consisting of enterprises producing goods or services intended for sale in the tourism segment of the market.

Features of tourism industry enterprises are:

1) predominantly non-productive nature of the activity;

2) the specificity of consumers, who are mostly tourists and travelers, the absence of which would significantly reduce (restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops) or make completely impossible the existence of certain types of enterprises (hotels, ticket agencies, resorts) in a given area.

On the basis of the tourism industry, tourism business is developing, which can be represented as the activities of tourism industry enterprises, based on the use of tourism resources and aimed at making a profit by meeting the needs of tourists (tourist needs). A characteristic feature of the tourism business is that the result of work in the tourism business is the satisfaction of tourist needs.

The commercial orientation of tourism enterprises leads to the emergence of tourism and service businesses, as well as the creation of a specialized industry for the production of souvenirs and tourist goods. This circumstance allows us to distinguish tourism and service into an independent complex of tourism and service enterprises. The tourism industry is characterized by the presence of subjects (organizers and sellers of tourism products) and their counterparties (producers of tourism services).

· tourism service manufacturing companies(hospitals, sanatoriums, health resorts, recreation centers, business consultations, etc.);

· tour operator companies, that is, firms developing and selling tourism products primarily on a wholesale basis;

· travel agent companies, acting as sellers of tourism products generated by tour operators;

· specialized companies providing accommodation services(boarding houses, holiday homes, motels, hotels, campsites, etc.);

· specialized catering establishments(restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, etc.);

· specialized transport companies(aviation enterprises, automobile enterprises, railway departments, sea and river transport enterprises, etc.);

· trading enterprises and trading companies, specializing in goods for tourists;

· leisure tourism enterprises(cinema and concert halls, slot machine halls, etc.);

· state enterprises(national, regional, municipal enterprises of a unitary or joint-stock nature engaged in tourism on a commercial basis).

tourism industry.

The structure of the tourism industry is shown in Fig. 3.1.

Tourism industry is a set of accommodation facilities, vehicles, public catering facilities, entertainment, educational, business, recreational, sports and other purposes, organizations providing excursion services and guide-translator services. The tourism industry has a solid

The material and technical base provides employment to a large number of people and interacts with almost all sectors of the national economic complex. Thus, with

A characteristic feature of the tourism industry is that it combines enterprises producing both tangible (goods) and intangible products (services). This explains the peculiarity and complexity of the economy of the tourism industry. That is, the products of the tourism industry consist of tangible and intangible goods, but its basis, of course, is the intangible component - the service.


Data specialized enterprises

The fundamentally new economic situation in the sphere of Russian tourism has exacerbated the problems of its survival and development in the conditions of competition in the global tourism market. The economy of Russian tourism must pay due attention to its development in all its manifestations and forms.

The modern tourism system organizationally includes the following economic entities of the tourism industry market:

· companies producing tourism services;

· tour operator companies;

· travel agent companies;

· specialized firms providing accommodation services;

· specialized catering establishments;

· specialized transport enterprises;

· trading enterprises and trading companies;

· leisure tourism enterprises;

· state enterprises.

Tourist demand collides with the specific supply of a range of tourism products and services. These tourism products taken together form tourism industry.

WITH economic point of view, tourism industry is a production and property complex that combines material and technical base, raw materials and labor.

Tourism industry products- these are tourist goods and services produced to meet the needs of tourists arising during the tourist trip and necessary to ensure this trip.

If consider the tourism industry from a broader perspective, then this is an independent national economic complex, since, in addition to the listed entities that are directly related to tourism, it also includes various specialized enterprises, which do not have a pronounced tourist character.

Data specialized enterprises relate to such industries as: passenger transport (air, water, road, railway) with its extensive network of technical services, transport engineering and automotive industry, fuel industry, capital and road construction, souvenir production, food industry, many branches of agriculture, etc. etc., as well as the scope of services used by tourists.

Tourism enterprises may have different form of ownership(public, private, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, etc.), produce tourism goods and services for one or more individuals. Based on a variety of forms of ownership, a market economy involves the functioning of tourism enterprises of various organizational and legal forms. The legal basis of a tourism enterprise is entrepreneurship. To carry out business activities, all tourism enterprises must be registered in a certain organizational and legal form, in accordance with Russian legislation

The tourism enterprise performs the following functions:

· organization;

· marketing;

· production;

· sales (marketing);

· procurement;

· financial activities;

· management.

Under organizational management structure understand a set of management links located in strict subordination and ensuring the relationship between the control and managed systems.

For small travel agencies, as a rule, it is typical linear or functional structure management. For larger enterprises it is typical linear-functional (staff) structure management.


Course work

Discipline: "Organization of the tourism industry"

on the topic: “Tourism industry and its components”


1 The concept of the tourism industry

2.1 Hotel industry

2.2 Transport industry

2.3 Food industry0

2.4 Entertainment industry

Analysis of the state of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation

1. Features of the development of the hotel industry in the Russian Federation




Tourism in the imagination of most people is associated with relaxation, new experiences, and pleasure. It has firmly entered the life of man with his natural desire to discover and learn about unexplored lands, monuments of nature, history and culture, customs and traditions of different peoples. It is less known that tourism is a type of human activity whose history begins long before the emergence of a civilized society. In every historical era there are elements of human activity that, one way or another, fall under the category of tourism. Tourism plays a big role in modern society. The importance of tourism in the lives of people, regions, states and in international life today cannot be overestimated. Currently, tourism is a powerful industry that includes various forms.

Therefore, the development of the tourism industry is a pressing topic that should be given great attention, which will be done in this course work. Hence:

The purpose of the work is to study the tourism industry.

The subject of the course work is the tourism industry.

Object - components of the tourism industry.

Therefore, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve several problems:

Explore the concept of the tourism industry.

Consider all components of the tourism industry.

Analyze the state of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation.

The work itself consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical, which will cover the basic concepts of the industry. The second chapter is practical. It will examine all segments of the industry, and will also make recommendations on improving tourism components in the Russian Federation.

The essence of the tourism industry and its components

hotel transport entertainment tourist

1.1 The concept of the tourism industry

The main purpose of this chapter is to explore the definition of the tourism industry and consider all its different forms.

There are many definitions of the tourism industry. One of the first and most successful was given by the UN Conference on Trade and Development in 1971. According to him, the tourism industry is a set of production and non-production activities aimed at creating goods and services for travelers.

With the adoption of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” in 1996, the legal and statistical prerequisites for the creation of the tourism industry were laid. After this, a more specific definition of the industry was given. The tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, business, recreational, sports and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and services of guides and translators.

Fig. 1.1.1 Structure of the tourism industry

In addition to these enterprises, those organizations that can exist without tourists, but whose activities expand when they are in tourist destinations, are also engaged in serving tourists. These are car rental companies, car fleets that provide buses for excursion services for tourists, as well as restaurants, cafes, sports clubs, museums, theaters and cinemas, zoos and even casinos.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the concept of the tourism industry has many options, but not all of them accurately express the essence of this activity.

2 Components of the tourism industry

2.1 Hotel industry

The work should consider in more detail the components of this industry, specifically the hotel, transport, food and entertainment industries. The most important component of the tourism industry is the hotel industry. Tourism is impossible in the absence of tourist accommodation facilities. This is an immutable and strict requirement of the economy of any tourist region or center, hungry for solid and large incomes from receiving tourists and exploiting its tourist resources - natural, historical and socio-cultural, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, contribute to the restoration and development of their physical strength. First, let's look at the hotel industry.

Fig.1.2.1 Structure of the hospitality industry

The hotel industry is the basis of the hospitality system. It comes from ancient traditions inherent in almost any history of mankind, namely respect for the guest, the celebration of his reception and service. (Annex 1). The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation.

Collective accommodation facilities for tourists include hotels and specialized establishments. Hotels are the main classic type of tourist accommodation enterprises. One of the main features of hotels should be noted, first of all, the availability of rooms. Depending on the management features, hotels can be separate enterprises or form hotel chains. A chain refers to a group of enterprises engaged in collective business and under the direct control of the chain’s management. There is even a certain classification of these enterprises, namely general hotels, apartment-type hotels, motels, roadside hotels, resort hotels, residential clubs, etc. Hotels provide a list of mandatory services: room cleaning, daily making of beds and cleaning of the sanitary facilities, as well as an extensive range of additional services.

Specialized establishments are also designed to serve tourists. They don't have numbers. Here the initial unit can be a dwelling, a collective bedroom, or a playground. Specialized establishments provide places to stay overnight, but the function of accommodating tourists is not their main function. Examples of such institutions are health institutions (sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers), labor and recreation camps, public means of transport equipped with sleeping quarters (trains, ships).

Individual accommodation facilities are provided for a fee, for rent, or free of charge. These include own homes, rented rooms in family houses, rented accommodation from individuals or agencies (cottages or mansions).

Thus, accommodation facilities and systems - the main facilities - are buildings of various types and types (from a hut or bungalow to a super-giant hotel), adapted specifically for receiving and organizing overnight stays for temporary visitors with different levels of service. The number of beds in the hotel industry is the most important indicator used to assess the potential of the center where tourists are received. Today, the hospitality industry is a powerful tourist center system and an important component of the tourism economy.

2.2 Transport industry

Transport travel is travel by organized groups of tourists with vouchers (vouchers) along developed routes using various means of transport. Transport travel is classified according to: the method of travel on the route, the type of transport used, the construction of the route, the duration of the trip, its seasonality, etc.

Air transport: scheduled flights, other air transport;

Water transport: passenger lines and ferries, cruises and others

Land transport: railway transport; intercity and city buses. It is these types of transport that are most popular when traveling (about 90% of the total).

When planning his trip and choosing transport, each tourist takes into account all the services that a particular transport provides him. Let's consider some services of each type of transport:

)Air Transport. Air transport services include:

at airports information on aircraft schedules, tariffs, transportation rules, rights and obligations of passengers, and weather conditions

at airports, provision of services in first aid stations, in mother and child rooms, long rest rooms for passengers, household services, etc.

during aircraft flight information about the location of cabins, emergency equipment

after the aircraft lands at the destination, assisting passengers during disembarkation and assistance with information about baggage collection

after the aircraft lands at the destination, information on ground transportation

)Water transport services.

in seaports, selling tickets and reserving seats on sea vessels

transportation of passengers by sea vessels on international, intercity and local lines

along the route of a sea vessel, information on the location of cabins, emergency equipment

provision of bedding along the route of the sea vessel

upon arrival of a sea vessel at its destination, providing assistance to passengers during disembarkation

)Land transport services.

visual and audio information about the place and time of train departure

along the train route, provision of household services (minor repairs of clothing, hygiene items, etc.)

upon arrival of the train to its destination, information about the place of baggage collection

at bus stations and passenger bus stations, providing information at the information desk or by telephone

tourist and excursion transportation of passengers by buses / in urban and suburban traffic

storage and delivery of items forgotten by passengers on buses

The larger the set of positive factors, the higher the cost of transport travel, but no vehicle satisfies the entire set of requirements. Based on this, let's summarize:

The high passenger capacity and comfort of travel on sea and river vessels is contrasted by their low mobility and speed of communication.

The high speed of delivery by plane with a fairly high level of service is associated with a high level of tariffs.

High mobility of road transport (buses and cars) is contrasted with low passenger capacity and low level of safety.

Each tourist, when choosing transport on his trip, will be guided by his own selection factors and preferences.

2.3 Food industry

Along with transport, food services are system-forming in tourism, with the help of which the physiological need of tourists for food is satisfied. The tourism industry is characterized by such types of food establishments as restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.

When organizing meals for tourists, various methods of service are used: “a la carte”, “a desk”, “table d’hote” and buffet. When using the "a la carte" method, guests choose what they like best from the food and drink menu. The order is transferred to the kitchen and cooking begins immediately.

“A part.” With this method of service, guests, having previously made an order, are served within a set period of time. Very common in holiday homes and resort hotels. "Table d'hote." Guests are served at the same time and according to the same menu.

The buffet presents a wide selection of dishes with free access: you can take whatever you want in the desired quantity from what is offered and displayed. Tourists are also offered meals in the room, service on the floor, mini-bars, etc. Tourists are provided with meals not only in their places of stay, but also during travel by air, water and rail.

All services provided by the food industry are divided by their nature into material, household and cultural.

Material and household services are related to:

· sales of dishes, drinks, culinary and confectionery products;

· delivery of products according to consumer orders;

Serving and serving dishes;

·collecting used dishes and washing them.

Cultural services:

·musical programms;


·organization of evening meetings.

The idea of ​​the food industry will be incomplete if we ignore an important area of ​​its work, such as organizing cultural leisure for tourists. A catering establishment not only performs its direct function of preparing dishes, drinks and serving visitors, but also provides an opportunity to have fun and get a vivid and unforgettable experience.

Particularly popular among tourists are drinking and gastronomic tours that introduce the national cuisine of different countries. During such trips, tourists become familiar with local customs and often become participants in various folklore festivals.

Food is a service associated not only with satisfying a person’s biological need for food, but also with satisfying the need for entertainment, knowledge of local culture and pleasure.

2.4 Entertainment industry

One of the purposes of people's travel is entertainment. Having received an overnight stay and food, the tourist is eager to have fun and relax. The ancient Roman thesis of “Bread and Circuses” was and remains relevant to this day. Entertainment is not only fun and pleasure, but also a global industry. Entertainment is one of the main motives of tourism; not a single trip can do without it. People hit the road for new experiences, positive emotions and thrills. The entertainment industry includes enterprises whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment: circuses, zoos, game arcades, attractions, recreation parks, etc. A variety of entertainment enterprises, including stationary and traveling theaters, cinemas, art studios, concert organizations and groups also provide entertainment processes.

Fig. 1.2.2 Structure of the leisure industry

The entertainment industry plays a certain role in tourism. Since, as it turned out, almost all components of tourism are related to entertainment, both the hotel industry and the food industry. The entertainment industry not only relaxes and relieves people of stress, but it also solves the problem of educating and creating an optimistic mood in people.

For example, with the help of a theme park, which is a center for family recreation and entertainment. In order to unite people of different ages and attract the adult population, the topic should be not only entertaining, but also informational and educational. Among the main secrets of the success of theme parks is the use of high technology.

Let us come to the conclusion that the entire structure of the tourism industry has a number of complexes in this business, namely, firstly, passenger transport with its extensive network of technical services. Secondly, various specialized tourism enterprises and enterprises in industries that do not have a pronounced tourist character; thirdly, a wide range of services used by tourists. If at least one of these complexes is not at a high level, the tourist’s trip will not be successful.

2. Analysis of the state of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation

1 Features of the development of the hotel industry in the Russian Federation

This part of the work is devoted to a practical consideration of the tourism industry in a certain territory, namely the Russian Federation.

The beginning of the development of the hotel industry in Russia is associated with the growth of industrial production and the expansion of trade relations in the 18th-19th centuries. At this time, the population of cities is growing, the intensity of people moving around the country is increasing, and new hotels are opening. In 1818, 7 hotels were operating in Moscow. In St. Petersburg in 1900 there were 325 hotels. And by 1940, hotels had already been built in 669 cities. During the Great Patriotic War, enormous damage was caused to the entire national economy, including the hotel industry. In the post-war years, extensive work was carried out on the restoration, reconstruction and construction of new hotels. In accordance with the general trend of the post-war years, hotel interiors were given palace splendor. The requirements for furniture, equipment, and lighting were not so much functional as aesthetic. This created the preconditions for the development of domestic tourism and an increase in the number of business travelers and vacationers.

Along with general hotels, intensive construction of departmental hotels, boarding houses, campsites, motels, tourist centers and camps was carried out in the country. Such intensive development of the hotel industry was accompanied by preparations for the XXII Olympic Games. The hotel industry of the USSR at that time consisted of 7,000 hotels with a total capacity of 700 thousand beds. One of the largest hotels in the country was the Izmailovo hotel complex, designed for 10 thousand beds. Using the example of the figure, we will consider the leading hotel markets of the world in the 20th century.

Fig.2.1.1 Leading hotel markets in the world

But with the beginning of the new century and the spread of market relations in the economy, the hotel industry in Russia received the next stage of its development, one of the main features of which was the quality of the hotel services offered, their individuality and diversity. The rapid development of the hotel business has made it possible to almost double the number of hotels. In 2010, there were about 11,700 accommodation facilities in Russia with a total number of rooms - 600,000. The largest of which are the Empire Heliopark hotel located in the center of Moscow, near the Belorusskaya metro station and Tverskaya street, the cost of a room starts from 7,000 rubles, and the hotel Astoria St. Petersburg room rates start from 10,000.

Fig.2.1.2 Correlation of placements in Russia, 2010

It is impossible not to say about modern trends in the hotel business in the Russian Federation. The development of the hotel business in Russia and abroad is accelerating. Recently, hoteliers have begun to open up new prospects for modernizing hotel services. If earlier Moscow hotels surprised guests with their rich infrastructure, now almost every four- and five-star hotel has its own nightclub, bar, restaurant, entertainment center, swimming pool, solarium, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this is the most dynamically developing industry in the service sector, generating multimillion-dollar profits across the national economies of many countries. Also, as part of the tourism business, the hotel business has enormous development potential for the Russian market.

2 The current state of the transport industry in the Russian Federation

Transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country. Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of progress. Man used any available means to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and somewhat later of various types of engines, man began to correspondingly develop means of transportation: carts, carriages, steamships, steam locomotives, airplanes, etc. Currently, transport is one of the most important components of the economy of a state, both developing and and with a highly developed economic and social base. Transport is a leading factor in the development of tourism.

In the 20th century A powerful transport system was created in Russia. The length of the communication network of all types of transport today is about 5 million km. With the development of tourism in Russia, transport routes are constantly expanding, since the increase in demand for travel has a positive impact on the development of transport infrastructure, and they also account for the main share in the structure of the tour price. Depending on the duration and distance of the trip, this share (in most cases) ranges from 20 to 60%. Various types of transport are used by tourism organizations in Russia to transport tourists while traveling.

Aviation transport. The largest number of tourists, especially those traveling long distances, use aviation services. In this case, the plane can, figuratively speaking, be called a transport of individuals. The most massive flows of tourists traveling for resort, business, and entertainment purposes are individual tourists. And they are the ones who most often use air transport.

Currently, 315 airlines operate in the air transportation market in Russia. Of these, 96 are licensed to operate scheduled flights and carry 99% of the total volume of air passengers. Transportation volumes are distributed unevenly among airlines. Russia's eighteen largest airlines carry about 75% of passengers, 94 airlines operating scheduled flights serve approximately 23% of passengers, and the remaining 276 airlines, which usually operate one-time flights, account for about 1% of passenger traffic. Aeroflot remains the undisputed leader of the Russian airline business. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines is the national flag carrier of Russia.

The main competitor of air transport in the Russian Federation is the railway. The advantage of rail transportation is also lower tariffs and an extensive system of discounts, travel tickets, etc., allowing you to travel at significantly lower prices

Russia is a great railway power. The presence of a dense network of railways, especially in the European part of the country, makes it possible to organize train tour routes that are varied in geographical location, form and content. When organizing tourist routes by rail, you should remember that the railway network of our country is divided into several roads according to territorial principles. The European part of Russia is more developed, the eastern part (Siberia and the Far East) is less developed. Transportation of tourists by scheduled (regular) trains is carried out on the rights of ordinary passengers with railway tickets. A passenger, by purchasing a ticket or travel document, commits an act of unconditional adherence to the rules for the carriage of passengers and their luggage established on a given road (tram, metro). Ticket stock - a form or form of a ticket, which may contain various columns about changes, confirmation of the ticket, as well as various stamps confirming its validity.

But in connection with the World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018, the railway network will be transformed even for the better. The scale of the planned transformations is easy to explain: in its application, our country identified 13 cities in which 64 matches would be played. And if you take into account that each stadium accommodates from 40 to 90 thousand people, then you can imagine the flow of passengers that all types of transport and especially railways will encounter, on which a special emphasis has been placed on the eve of the World Cup. By 2018, foreign tourists and Russian fans should not have problems moving around. The cities where the championship matches will be held will be connected by high-speed, high-speed and accelerated rail services, such as Sapsan.

Water transport, river and sea transport in themselves already evoke the image of a tourist - cruise service and are used quite actively in tourism. Water travel has a number of both advantages and disadvantages compared to other modes of transport. The most significant advantages are a high level of comfort, a large volume of one-time load, the ability to implement various types and purposes of tourism (educational, business tourism, educational, shopping tourism, etc.), good rest, and a full range of life support. Sea cruises are one of the most comfortable, and therefore most expensive types of vacation. Prices for Russian water travel are five times lower than worldwide prices due to lower freight rates for ships and cheaper service. For this reason, competition in the domestic cruise market exists only between “our own” travel agencies and is almost absent with foreign ones.

The main disadvantages of this transport include the low speed of travel, high tariffs, limited mobility, and often the susceptibility of some people to seasickness on sea cruises. The Russian Federation has unique opportunities for organizing river travel. Rivers, lakes and canals in the European part made it possible to connect the Baltic, White, Azov, Black and Caspian seas, and Moscow became a port of five seas. As you know, Russia has the largest network of rivers. The length of exploited inland waterways is about 100 thousand km, of which more than 16 are artificially created canals and reservoirs. A convenient, efficient water transport route connects the North-Western, Central and Southern regions of the country. I would also like to mention popular water routes in Russia. Some of the most popular rivers are the Moscow River and the Neva, on which interesting and educational excursions are held, both within the capitals and between them. Travel from Moscow is the most popular<#"justify">I would like to start this part by considering the entertainment component of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation.

Today there is a full range of entertainment, as they say, according to taste and color. In Russia, this series is also well represented. This can be seen in the example of the Krasnodar company Yugis LLC. The largest project ending 2012 was in Gudermes as part of the expansion of the Grozny City shopping center network. In a fairly short period of time, the designers developed a project for the entertainment part of UNICRON, consisting of the newest entertainment machines: shooting and racing simulators from SEGA and Namco; the small children's town of RIO, an area filled with a labyrinth from the company's partners, also became a corner for the little ones. At exhibitions in 2013, the company also plans to show customers unique toys and gadgets for redemption stores and vending machines at an affordable price and unique design. It is noticeable that the entertainment segment is developing only in the gaming direction; museums and various exhibitions have lost their popularity.

In order for the entertainment segment in Russia to gain momentum, it needs to be improved; this can be done, for example, by increasing the quality of theme parks that will comply with all the rules and will not disappoint either the Russians themselves or the tourists visiting this country. It is also necessary to continue updating slot machines and entertainment areas not only for children, but also for their parents.

The food industry in the Russian Federation can be improved with the help of: high-quality service, a varied range of dishes and additional services, a cozy interior and, of course, licensing certification of all food establishments, which is absent in most cases.

The transport industry is an important component in the Russian tourism industry, which also needs improvement. The most important thing is that every transport in the Russian Federation provides people with 100% safety. On planes and trains, tourists visiting Russia were given free catalogs with the sights of our country or free dictionaries for foreigners who did not know our language. The buses were spacious, neat and clean. Well, not too inflated tariffs.

The hospitality industry is considered, in comparison with others, the most developed component of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation. It is necessary that every hotel in Russia have a card system. Namely: payment for meals and other services will be reproduced using the card, which will make it easier for tourists to stay at the hotel. Also important is the issue of hospitality, that is, the appropriate rules of decency and behavior of the Russians themselves, so that they greet our guests with friendliness and they do not feel any pressure from the local population.

If all components of the tourism industry are brought into balance, incoming tourism indicators will constantly increase. Because the needs of tourists will be taken into account and people who visit our country will talk about the high level of service and new technologies that they have not encountered abroad. And most importantly, they will return and visit the Russian Federation more and more often, which will lead to an increase in the country’s economic profit.


Having examined the main features and key elements of the tourism industry, and in particular using the example of the countries of the Russian Federation, the following conclusions can be formulated.

The components of the tourism industry considered in the work are the most profitable and rapidly developing, which have important social and economic significance. Namely: it increases local income, creates new jobs, develops all sectors related to the production of tourism services, activates the activities of folk craft centers and cultural development, ensures an increase in the standard of living of the local population, and increases foreign exchange earnings.

The analyzed areas have enormous potential, but we should not forget about the negative impact of the industry. The disadvantages of tourism development are manifested in the fact that tourism: affects the rise in prices, contributes to the outflow of money abroad during tourist imports and causes environmental problems.

It turned out that one of the most important components of the tourism industry is the hotel industry. She is interested in welcoming and accommodating tourists hospitably. Then comes the food industry, transport and entertainment, each of these components, as it turned out, is integral in the tourism industry.

Based on all this, we can come to the conclusion that the tourism industry has a unique structure. All segments of the tourism industry are interconnected and dependent on each other, therefore the complete and comprehensive satisfaction of tourism needs requires the coordinated work of the entire set of funds, facilities and organizations of the tourism industry.

List of used literature

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-F.Z. “On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.” (as amended by Federal Laws dated January 10, 2003 No. 15-FZ, dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, dated February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ, dated December 30, 2008 No. 309-FZ, dated June 28, 2009 No. 123-FZ , dated July 30, 2010 No. 242-FZ, dated July 1, 2011 No. 169-FZ, dated May 3, 2012 No. 47-FZ)

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2007 No. 452 “On approval of the rules for the provision of services for the sale of tourism products”<#"justify">7. Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. Management of the Russian tourism industry in modern conditions: a textbook. - M.: KNORUS, - 2007.-416 p.

Economics and tourism organization. International tourism /under

ed. I.A. Ryabova, Yu.V. Zabaeva, E.L. Drachevoy. - M.: Knorus, 2008. - 576 p.

Annex 1

"Code of Hospitality in the Republic of Tatarstan"

Be ready to help. I will be happy to tell a tourist how to find the right street or house. I know and love my city, my republic. I, too, can get lost in a foreign city and I will be glad if they help me too.

Look around and be interested in what is happening. I live with my head held high. I am interested in everything that happens in my hometown, my republic. I am sure that it will be interesting for tourists too.

Smile: always. I'm happy. I live in one of the most beautiful republics of Russia. I want to be surrounded by happy people. I'm ready to smile first.

Be polite. I'm a cultured person. I respect myself, so I respect the people around me. I love my language and honor traditions. They mean a lot to me. They allow me to become a better person. I want everyone in my republic to live better, so I start with myself.

Show concern for the city. I enjoy walking around a clean city. Tatarstan is my home. I like to receive guests with a pure soul and in a clean home.

Believe in the best. Life only makes sense when I feel good. I myself can create an atmosphere of happiness around myself. I believe that everyone can. There are a lot of us. We will make our republic better.

Share and empathize. I help friends and people I don’t know very well, because I myself may find myself in a difficult situation. But more often I share my joy with others. Because I want to live in the happiest republic.

Develop and strive for new things. I'm always moving forward. I can be better. Everyone can be better. Together we are the best republic.

Be yourself. Our world is unique. My country is unlike any other. My republic is original and admired. I live in this republic. She wouldn't be the same without me. I give it personality.

Love. I love Tatarstan because Tatarstan is ME!

Appendix 2

“Approximate list of services provided by the restaurant”

122101 Restaurant catering services 122200 Services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products 122201 Production of culinary products and confectionery products according to consumer orders, including complex designs and with additional decoration at public catering establishments 122300 Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance 122303 Organization and servicing of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events 122310 Reservation of seats in the hall public catering establishments122313Organization of rational complex nutrition122500Leisure services122501Services for organizing musical services122600Information and advisory services122700Other public catering services122705Taxi calling upon request of the consumer (visitor of a public catering establishment)

The organization of the tourism industry is associated with various groups of entities involved in such activities. We will pay special attention to the relationships between all persons interested in a good rest.

Theoretical issues

Tourists are people who experience different physical and mental needs, the nature of which suggests the types of their participation in

There are organizations that provide services and goods to tourists. They are entrepreneurs who see in tourism a chance to make a profit by providing services and goods on the market taking into account demand.

For local authorities, industry is a serious economic factor for them, which is associated with additional income to the local budget.

The host party is the local population, which perceives tourism as the main factor of employment. For such a group, the result of establishing contacts with guests is important. The international tourism industry is of particular importance in this case. We are talking about a set of relationships and phenomena that appear during the interaction of suppliers, tourists, local authorities and the population in the course of tourism activities.

Industry specifics

The tourism and hospitality industry is inextricably linked with travel. To organize excursion trips, restaurants, buses, railways, hotels, and airlines are involved. Related types of business include financial structures that sponsor the development of service sectors.

Tourism and travel are two inextricably linked concepts that characterize a certain way of life and human activity: active entertainment, recreation, trade, study of the surrounding world, treatment, sports. Such activity is always accompanied by a person’s movement to another area, different from their usual habitat.

Differences between tourism and travel

The tourism industry is a category that is seriously influenced by the economy and has a dual internal nature of the phenomenon. We are talking about a special, mass version of travel, as well as activities that contribute to their organization.

Currently, tourism is a sphere of the socio-economic complex. In many countries it is experiencing rapid growth and development. According to the results of statistical studies, nowadays, for every seventh job there is one in this business.

According to WTO forecasts, by 2020 the number of international tourist trips will be 1.6 billion, which is three times higher than in 2000.

This confirms the relevance and development of the tourism industry, the economic feasibility of developing this area throughout the world. Traveling, however, does not in all cases involve contacting tour operators.

Forms of tourism

The tourism industry is a collection of different forms, each of which is related to the needs of tourists, and includes a certain set of services to satisfy such needs. The production and service process of tourism involves:

  • shape;
  • types of tourism.

The form refers to the possibility of a tourist crossing the state border of his country. On this basis, international and domestic variants of tourist travel are distinguished.

For the internal option, travel within the country is assumed, for example, the movement of Russian citizens across Russian regions.

International tourism involves entering the territory of another country. It develops on the basis of many factors, combined into three main groups: economic, demographic, social.

Such a tourism industry is an opportunity for individual regions to receive significant material profits.

Tourism industry factors

Demographic characteristics include: the growth of the world population, urbanization, leading to an increase in concentration in certain areas, and the creation of a flexible life stereotype. Residents of large cities need a periodic change of environment and restoration of spiritual and physical strength. There is a growing interest in each other between peoples of different countries who have a common related language. The reason is the absence of a language barrier, the presence of a common culture and history.

Economic factors are associated with a steady growth trend in services compared to the production of goods. This contributes to an increase in the share of consumption of services, including tourism. Such factors include the growth of household incomes and the accelerated introduction of scientific and technological progress in the tourism industry.

The development of the material and technical base of foreign tourism, the emergence of new forms of service and reception of tourists involve new places in the recreational sphere.


The development of international tourism is directly affected by the increase in the duration of paid leave and its division into parts. This allows travelers to make two trips at once during the year: in winter and in summer.

The development of the tourism industry is facilitated by lowering the retirement age, which has led to the emergence of a category of tourists called “people of the third age.”

Depending on the financial stability of the region, active and passive tourism are distinguished. The active form involves the import of currency into the country. The passive form is associated with the export of funds from the region.

The tourism industry is a system of transport, production, service, trade enterprises and accommodation facilities, which is necessary to fully satisfy the population's demand for services and goods.

The structure of the tourism industry has two components:

  • organizations that provide funds or facilities for temporary accommodation, food, and transportation services;
  • companies conducting tourism activities, excursion services for tourists.

In addition to travel agents and tour operators, this industry also includes sanatoriums, dispensaries, boarding houses, hospitals, automobile enterprises, and food outlets. The quality of tourism services provided to citizens directly depends on the coherence of their work.