Almost every person in the world now has their own page on a social network. And many people have a page on every existing social network. Therefore, the question may involuntarily arise, what to name the page? To help the reader, we will look at what guidelines should be followed when choosing a name for a page on a social network.

Choosing a name for your page

Of course, choosing a name for a page is not difficult. After all, you are unlikely to promote your page. If you own a public website, that is, a group, then you should seriously think about the name, as it can greatly affect promotion.

As for the owners of an individual page, their popularity will depend not on the name, but on the content contained on the page and the popularity of the person as a whole.

It is recommended to choose your nickname primarily based on the specifics of social networks. For example, VKontakte is most often used for entertainment, so you should call yourself simply. However, if the page is of a business nature, then it is better to choose your real first and last name.

On Twitter, as a rule, original nicknames are chosen - this is necessary to attract readers.

On Odnoklassniki, people usually look for childhood friends, so you can use your nicknames.

In general, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Call yourself by your real last name, first name and patronymic; you can slightly modify your first and last name to come up with a pseudonym.
  • You can also use a foreign name or make a foreign equivalent of your name. For example, the name Julia can easily be changed into Julia.
  • Use the name of your favorite movie character, a character from a book series, or simply unusual names as the title of the page. For example, you can call yourself Kys, Bellatrix, Hermine, and so on;
  • Finally, you can use a special nickname generator. One of these is located

When creating my own website, an important question for me: how to come up with a name for the site was spinning in my thoughts endlessly. I went to bed and woke up thinking about what to name the site.

In general, creative torment haunted me endlessly, they literally followed on my heels and imposed some strange fantastic names. Sometimes, with joyful delight, having almost caught a beautiful and sonorous name for the site by the tail, I tried to check it for occupancy in a service for checking the occupancy of domain names, here:

Quick domain occupancy check (WHOIS): this address into your browser and you will be taken to the service)

And then I had to get upset for the umpteenth time. Well, why, why – my thoughts screamed, wasn’t I the first to come up with this name for the site? Where is the justice here? And justice has nothing to do with it. Simply, as they say: “Whoever didn’t have time is late.”

And so, after some time, having already let go of my thoughts for a while to rest, completely unexpectedly for myself I decided to name my site: “site”, and after checking it to see if it was busy, I was delighted - it turned out to be free in all zones.

I decided to dedicate my website to lessons on how to create my own website, teach people how to make money on it, also study all the ways to make money on the Internet, and besides this, I wanted to write articles

So the site name is: << ИНТЕРНЕТ КАПУСТА>> , and then logically understandable - http://site/ I was completely satisfied and inspired for further work.

A small but important digression.

How often have you noticed that after the site address there are designations of different zones where the site is located?

What is a domain name and the zone where it is located?

Now I will explain this in detail:

Domain name is a name that serves for identification on the Internet.

A domain name allows all Internet users to understand where a website is located. It's like an address that you can write down or remember.

All this is done for human convenience. A fully qualified domain name must consist of the domain name itself and then the names of all domains to which this domain belongs, separated by dots.

But, as a rule, in our everyday life, by domain name we mean the full domain name.

Previously, when the Internet was just beginning to develop, the domain name system was considered the most convenient form for remembering a website address. But, with the development of the WWW system, domain names have acquired significant weight and value. Currently, the term “domain name” is already known to everyone as a method of addressing on the Internet.

Before you learn how to come up with a website name, first

Let's take a closer look at domain zones:

1. Point RU - The general domain zone for Russian domain names is the most popular national domain zone in Russia. Anyone can register these domains. The domain is first registered for one year, then it can be renewed. Also, now there is a zone - RF Point.

2. Point SU - the first domain zone registered on the territory of the USSR. Domain registration is open to everyone; there are no restrictions on registration.

3. Ru Dot COM - commercial Russian organizations in the international zone.

4. COM point all commercial organizations.

5. Point ORG- Public and non-profit organizations.

6. Point GOV- Government organizations.

7. Point NET- Organizations providing network operation.

8. Point BIZ- Business websites and business projects.

9. Point Info- Informational resources.

How are we going to come up with a name for our website?

There are already known principles when coming up with a website name.

First you need to decide on the theme of your future website. We will assume that you have already thought through this point well and everyone has clearly decided on what topic they are interested in making a website.

Of course, this can also be a personal Blog about everything, that is, the topics can be different. In this case, it would be advisable to name the site with your first or last name. For example: Petrov Egor’s blog, respectively, can be called or

Follow the basic rules for coming up with a site name:

— The name of the site should sound beautiful or unusual and be quickly remembered.

— The most important thing is not to go too far from the main theme of your site.

— The next important note is that the domain name should be short or at least medium, no more than 15-20 letters. Less is better. But don’t forget about creativity and originality.

— The length of the name can be any within reason, but it is advisable to take into account that the ideal size is 10 characters, the maximum is 20.

You can use the online transliteration service: http:// (copy this address into your browser and you will be taken to the service)

This service will help you correctly translate Russian letters into Latin ones.

Just try, change the letters and don’t forget to check the site name you came up with to see if it’s busy.

Try to ensure that the name of the site matches the theme of the site. A culinary website with a domain name – SEODVIGATEL or SPORT-SERVIS – will look ridiculous.

The name of the site should be such that if you had to dictate it over the phone, there would be no problems recording it.

For example, now I say this to my friends and acquaintances:<< Найти мой сайт легко. Просто наберите в поисковой системе Я ндекс или Г угл словосочетание: Internet Cabbage .

The search engine already finds my site right away, you don’t need to write http://site/ in the search bar all the time.

Take note of this. It happens that you come up with a good name, but it is already taken, but there is one trick that will allow you to keep this site name. You just need to add the prefixes online, my, site or something like that to it.

Another very important tip: remember a simple rule -


Indeed, this is often what happens in practice. Thought, as we know, is material. I really want to believe in this visualization technique, so try to take this advice seriously.

There is one more question left to consider:

What are the criteria for choosing a national domain zone?

The domain of your website should be located in the national zone where your target audience lives.

For example, for Russia it is, for Ukraine it is, and for Belarus it is

If you still have difficulties with how to name the site, then you can ask your friends to help you do this or find a freelancer on any freelance exchange and for a certain amount, he will come up with several options for names for the site.

You can also use the following service: DOMAIN NAME GENERATOR, where a free name will be automatically selected for you using keywords.

To find such services, just write the phrase in a search engine: DOMAIN NAME GENERATOR, and then simply select from the list of proposed ones.

Here's what I discovered right away:


http:// (copy this address into your browser and you will be taken to the service)

That's the whole review. I hope it was useful and you will no longer search for information on how to come up with a website name, but simply and easily do it right now!

That's the whole review. I hope it was useful and you will no longer search for information on how to come up with a website name, but simply and easily do it right now!

Facebook's interface design changes with enviable regularity. The same applies to all procedures/actions in social media. network, including the procedure for creating new public pages. Consequently, at the time when the reader gets acquainted with the contents of this article, some points (the appearance of certain elements of the social network, the necessary actions and their sequence) may change.

The point is not important, because within the framework of this article we will not so much show which buttons to press, but rather give answers to slightly more fundamental questions: how to correctly create a page on FB, how to come up with a name, how to decide on a category, etc. So, from words to action...

On any Facebook page, click on the rightmost navigation bar icon (the arrow on the blue stripe at the very top of the site), and in the drop-down menu, the first item is “Create a new page.”

The first screen (1 of 2) of creating a public page on FB with the title of the same name. The text in gray reminds us: “it’s free” :). Below, in the center of the screen, there are 6 squares, they are also categories, you need to select one of them. Which one? Now we'll tell you...

UPD. 04.07.2018

Not long ago we noticed that the procedure for creating a business account on FB has changed somewhat. Now the category selection looks a little different:

If you have a company (firm), brand, product/goods, online store, or you sell something without your own website, choose the 1st category. In all other cases - “Community or public figure.” In the second step, you will be asked to select the name of your Page and the most appropriate category.

We'll tell you how to come up with a name for the community. In the Category field, simply enter 1-2 keywords that characterize your future community - “smart search” will tell you the category. We entered only 1 letter and found the required section.

P.S. The information in the next subsection is slightly outdated due to the update of the FB Page creation interface. However, if you cannot decide on the choice of category, it will be useful to you...

Which category should I choose for my Facebook page?

1. Local organization or place

If your business has a physical address and if your business is regional in nature, that is, localized in one specific place on the globe, this category is for you. For example, you are the owner of a Shawarma stall in the beautiful city of Zhashkiv, and you want to create a company business community to promote your business/enterprise on Facebook.

However, this category is suitable not only for business owners, but equally for any other, both commercial and non-profit regional organization (school, hospital, cinema) or specific location (stadium, railway station, local landmark). This is also the case if, for example, you provide any services at home (haircuts, manicures), etc. and so on.

Select the most suitable subcategory from the drop-down list. Fill in other fields: name, address, telephone.

2. Company, organization or institution

Everything is the same as in the previous paragraph, but for companies or organizations that are NOT regional. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, or several representative offices in one city, or is represented in several countries. Including if a company or organization is physically located in one place (enterprise office), but conducts activities (provides services or sells goods) throughout the country.

In any of these cases: select a subcategory, indicate the name, click “Start”.

3. Brand or product

Perhaps the most popular category on Facebook and, with a high degree of probability, this section is suitable for your business page, because almost anything can be classified in one way or another in the “Brand or Product” category. P.S. Again, if you have a regional/local business, it would be more correct to choose the first category.

“Brand or product” is a universal category. In particular, it is perfect for any online business. Creating a fan community for our site (site) on Facebook fits very well into this category, select the “Website” subcategory, enter the name, click “Start”.

4. Performer, music group, public figure

This category is for all those who want to create a business account on Facebook, linked not to a company, organization, product, website, etc., but to a specific person or group of people. Ideal for promoting a personal brand.

Politician, showman, singer (musical group), fitness trainer, writer, scientist, blogger, etc. etc. – any public figure, including if you post photos of yourself in a bikini on Instagram, you have fans and you want to create a community around your person on Facebook.

And of course, for photographers, event organizers (toastmaster), and all those who do business as individuals, on their own behalf.

5. Entertainment

If the topic of your future public page on FB can somehow be attributed to the “Entertainment” section, as an option, you can consider this category. It implies (it goes without saying) that the page is of a non-commercial nature. It can be anything or anyone both on the Internet and offline (real life): a site about cinema, computer games, a radio station page, TV shows, festivals, a community of a non-professional sports team on Facebook, a group of fans of some fictional character movies or books, etc.

6. Common cause or community

The only category that has no subsections. Designed for anything that does not fit into any of the 5 categories listed above. The subject of the page in this section can be anything (besides the obviously prohibited topics).

For example, it is suitable for creating an unofficial fan community of something “official”. That is, if you create a page dedicated to your favorite football team or music group, or a specific person, with a hint of the “officiality” of your page, sooner or later Facebook will block it. But in this category you can easily create, for example, a fan community “Connoisseurs of Ukupnik’s creativity”, or an unofficial page “I can’t live without HOUSE 2” dedicated to this TV project.

What to name the page?

The correct name of the page is important not only because it is the first thing that reflects the essence of your community, and not only because: “As you name a ship, so it will sail,” but will be of great importance when promoting a Facebook page in search engine results.

When coming up with a name for a new page, try to make it as short as possible, ideally up to 3 words. And in order to completely save you from the need to rack your brains over naming issues, follow 3 universal rules:

  1. Ideally, if you are creating a Facebook business community for a company, their names should match exactly. For the company “GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud”, the best name for the public page on Facebook will be “GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud”. For a community page on the website, a better name would be This name will be displayed on the community page on Facebook and in the news feed. Every time FB subscribers will see the domain name of your website, in the end they will remember it well.

    P.S. As, for example, in our case. With an intricate, hardly simple and easy to remember website domain, we simply couldn't name our Facebook page anything else. P.P.S. However, we are not sure that even after this our readers will remember the name of our site 😉

  2. If the brand/company is not particularly well-known, or there is no point in promoting the brand, the name should be composed of a set of keywords. So, for a regional company that deals with metal-plastic windows, your business account on a social network can be called “Metal-plastic windows in Mariupol.”
  3. In addition to using keywords, you can simply come up with a laconic name that will best reflect the essence of your page. In particular, this is suitable for a fan page united by some theme, for example: “Sport is life”, “Lose weight lightly”, or “Pokakushiki godasika-tuggoseri”.

Uploading an avatar and page cover

  1. Step one. Uploading a profile image (avatar);
  2. Step two is to upload a picture for the cover of the business community (background image).

If you haven’t had time to prepare the images yet, just click “Skip”; you can do this at any time later. If you already have pictures (avatar and cover) – click on “Upload photo”, in the dialog box for selecting a file to upload, mark the required images.

After loading the last image, the user is redirected to the newly created Facebook page. Social the network immediately begins distributing advice on further work with its community, the first of which is: creating a publication.

However, it is too early to do this, because, despite the fact that the page is already displayed, it has not yet been formally created.

Brief description and URL

There are only 2 manipulations left to do, again, for a minute or two of your time. Let's use the hint in the central part of the screen immediately below the area with the background image.

Short description. Your task is to present your business page, succinctly tell “what is it about?”, while limiting it to 155 characters. It’s good if you manage to come up with something that is not as mediocre as we wrote for our page.

A short description will be displayed on the Information tab. This line of text can hardly be called significant in the case of a community that is more likely to be entertaining or informational (as in our case) in nature. But this should not be neglected by any official organizations or businesses.

The second and final item on the list of tasks within the current article is creating a “Username” for the page, or its URL. In the case of a Facebook page of any website, including an online store, it makes sense to specify the domain as the “Username” (together with the domain zone, FB allows you to use a dot). A not very beautiful, but acceptable option (for example, for a regional enterprise) is to use keywords written in transliteration. One way or another, you should strive to keep your “Username” as short as possible. This is especially important if you plan to place a link to your Facebook business account on printed materials (business cards, etc.).

After creating a “name”, you will receive a notification containing a short URL like this: It is through it that your page will be accessible, and it is it that will be displayed in the address bar of the browser of visitors to your page.

When you decide to start a personal blog or personal website, the first thing you should think about is choosing a domain name. Domain is the name of the site. The way others will access it by typing it into the address bar... This is called a second-level domain. The ending of your site can be completely different, for There are many options for domain zones. But some of the most popular are and

What I do not recommend for a project to attract search traffic is not to choose the domain zone .РФ, because you need to have an understanding in the field of search engine promotion in order to correctly configure the structure of the site and links located in the Russian name.

For example, povaga.rf - the problem lies in the fact that search engines have to convert Russian characters into the “needed” encoding, and this can cause additional problems not only in the search but also on the server. The same thing can be noticed if you name the images not in English like: rezept_supa.jpg, but in Russian - “recipe for soup.jpg”...

This whole thing, sooner or later, can lead to server errors, and you can be left without images! Just some advice.

Again, many people try to come up with a short domain name so that it is memorable and on everyone’s lips... But unfortunately, most of the short domains are already taken. And another part of beautiful names is simply that they are expensive. But it is not necessary... Whereas, a regular domain, and what is also important, is no less effective, and almost no worse than a short one. That is, you should immediately understand that there is no particular difference in promotion. And if you take the domain, then the domain will cost you around 99 rubles in total. Payment is for the whole year. Renewable every year, but not so expensive. The correct and correct option is to use a domain in I do exactly the same with other sites and online stores. This is only the first one, where I made an exception and registered a domain in the .info zone (.info, .com are international domains.) Although I don’t see a fundamental difference, and for the majority (in 99% of cases) stick to these domain zones. This is the first thing to think about. We, and then we came up with a name.

This is where it gets more interesting))

But again, no need to rack your brains too much. I offer my favorite option that works great for a blog name. This is calling the blog by your last name. Why not? Moreover, if you are going to write a thematic blog on a specific topic in which you yourself are an expert. And here, you will brand yourself. Which is very correct!

How to name a domain for a website?

How to come up with an interesting name for a website? Examples and options...

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t name the site by your last name. What’s important here is not the name as much as the content on your site itself. Combinations of words and nicknames are also great.

And this means that you can name the site the way you like, and even make combinations of 2 words. And even do them with a hyphen, like If the site is on a specific topic, then it is more correct to name the domain for a key query, or for the query to be present in the domain name.

Live example:

As you can see, the search engine highlights the keywords in your site address, which is first of all more noticeable to the visitor. And of course, at least a small, but a plus in the search rankings. Although this is a controversial opinion! Because any other site can easily and simply be higher than any domain with a key. The point here is not in the domain name, but in the content that is presented for the visitor’s specific search request. And the search engine, with its algorithms, brings your site to the right positions. To learn the secrets of algorithms, subscribe to my newsletter. As a result, you will get more visitors to your project.

Even any unsuccessful name in your opinion does not help promote the site. My blog is an example of this! I don't consider my domain to be anything special... Nothing special about it.

After all, in the search rankings, you will not rank for the domain name as for specific phrases! That is, those article titles that contain these phrases. And the same main page of the blog can be called a little differently than the name of the domain.

For example, enter:

There are many options and examples for naming the site. Another thing is its further development and receiving constant profit from it.

Have you come up with a name for the site?

Write below in the comments how you chose or are choosing a domain for your website... Perhaps you used a nickname, or an interesting combination of 2 words. Or, as I recommend, open Google Translator, enter variations of words there, and see what translations you get in English. Thus, having selected several different options, use the special one that you liked the most and register.

By the way! I have registered more than 1000 domains and have a wealth of experience in this area. Ask below and give your options so that I and other participants can help you...

Tag - this is the page title, page title and one of the most important elements both from the point of view and from the point of view of conversion optimization. The page title is the first element that most often encounters the user. From header content ( ) often depends on whether the page will be selected among others or closed.

Correct title pages can attract the attention of users, help in search engine optimization and getting to the top of search results. The wrong title can turn off the user or make the page invisible among other pages, as a result of which the potential client will never know about the great offer that was posted on your website.

title syntax

Tag located inside the tag <head></head> and has a required closing tag -. The TITLE document title tag has no attributes and can only be used once on a page. In addition, the element does not have direct display on the web page. Most often, the page title appears at the top of the browser window. However, not only for this reason, one should think about <b>how to optimize page title title</b>.</p><p> <head> <title>Heading

Header value </h2><p>Tag <title>has a key meaning on a page and is used for various purposes as a page title:</p><ul><li><b>Informing visitors about the content of the page</b>. Header text allows the visitor to get information about the page title, page content, site name. Because the page title appears in a browser taskbar tab, the page title text helps you navigate collapsed pages. The absence of text may negatively affect the visitor’s desire to view the page.</li><li><b>Saving a web page to your local computer</b>. Many browsers allow you to save web page content as a file to your local computer. The page title will be selected as the file name when saving. <title>.</li><li><b>Saving a page as favorites</b>. Modern web browsers allow you to create lists of your preferred links in a special “Favorites” section. When you save a page link to your favorites, the contents of the title header are used as the title of the page. And since links from “Favorites” are usually stored in the form of separate files, the page title TITLE is also used as the name of the files.</li><li><b>Page title in search results</b>. Search engines actively use the page title to form the name of the link to the site page. Tag text content <title>used to calculate page relevance. The presence of keywords in the page title can have a positive effect. Compliance of the title with the key query and correct wording can make the link to the site more noticeable and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase the CTR (synonym for click-through rate) and increase search traffic on the site.</li> </ul><h2>How to optimize the page title tag <title></h2><p><b>Page title length: 60-100 characters</b>. Think about how the page title will look in search results or in a browser tab. Due to the page title length limit, the long title will be cut off and what will be left in the end? Will the page title be informative and attractive? <span>The page title should be short</span>. And the shorter the page title is, the more likely the visitor is to read it and visit the page. After all, it is often by the name of the page that users decide to open the page or not.</p><p>Limiting the length of the title makes it unacceptable to place all kinds of information garbage in the title of the page, such as: “Home page” or “Welcome!” The title should consist of keywords characteristic of the page, collected into a short, readable, meaningful and informative phrase. Try to avoid direct listing of keywords. In addition, there are a number of characters that are undesirable for use in the page title: (= / ! ? * ":< >| + _). You should not use any symbols to “decorate” the page title. It is necessary to rid the title of everything that does not provide useful information about the page.</p><p>It is advisable to use a common style and structure of phrases to form headings on all pages of the site. It is best to place your target keywords near the beginning of the page title and less important keywords at the end of the page title. Often, website titles and even contact information, such as a phone number, are used in page titles. Here we can only advise against using such elements at the beginning of the title. Such duplicate parts of the title are likely to be discarded by search robots, so it is better for them to remain at the end of the page title.</p><p>However, a bright and attractive headline can play a cruel joke if it is an intentional or unintentional deception. A user who opens a site whose content does not match the page title will most likely leave the page and return to the search. Returning to search is one of the parameters, and with high rates of return to search, site pages may experience a decrease in relevance and loss of positions for non-compliance with the key query.</p><h2>Correct page title</h2><p>Immediately assess the degree <b>Heading effectiveness for on-page SEO optimization</b> or increasing conversions is not easy. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which will allow you to avoid errors when creating site headers:</p> <ol><li>Heading length 60-100 characters;</li><li>Place keywords at or near the beginning of the title;</li><li>Use fewer direct keyword listings;</li><li>Brevity, clarity and meaningfulness of the page title;</li><li>If possible, exclude extra characters (= / ! ? * ":< > | + _);</li><li>Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;</li><li>Maintain consistency in page titles;</li><li>Do not mislead visitors; the title must correspond to the content of the page;</li><li>Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and understandable.</li> </ol><p>Compliance with these conditions is the first step towards understanding what optimization of headings is, on which a significant part of search engine optimization of site content rests.</p><p>Add the page to your favorites, see the title. 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